36. All I Want For Christmas Is...

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• 21st December, 1998 •

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• 21st December, 1998 •

The door of the Malfoy manor opened to reveal Draco, as handsome as always in his white shirt and a grey sweater on top of it. His features lit up with a smile.

"Hey Percy," He said with a bright smile.

◁◁ Santa tell me if you are really there? ▷▷ ↻

"Hey Draco!" She greeted him enthusiastically. "Are you guys ready?"

He nodded. "Where are you taking us?" His curiosity had been peaked since yesterday when the ravenette had told him and his mother to be ready the next morning, but she was yet to reveal the place they will be visiting.

"Uh-Uh," she shook her finger. "It's a surprise!"

An amused smile crossed his face. "How many cups of coffee did you have today?"


"Percy," he said in a sharp tone.

"Fine, fine," she put up her hands in surrender. "Four."

"That much is going to kill you."

"Hey, I'm Percy Jackson," she pointed out. "And I run on caffeine."

He shook his head at her with a fond smile. Her little quirks never fail to make his day.

"Where's 'Cissa?"

"Inside," He jabbed his thumb inside. "Come on in." He moved to give her way.

"No, it's fine, plus," she pulled her sleeve of her cream sweater to check her watch. "We're late."

"I'm here, Dear." Narcissa appeared behind her son with a smile.

"Hey 'Cissa!" She greeted the older witch with a hug which Draco found quite unfair. She offered her hand to the blond. "Shall we?"

"At least, tell the place if the apparition goes wrong." He took her hand.

"I passed the apparition test with top marks which means it won't go wrong," she said firmly, entwining his cold fingers with her warm ones.

◁◁ Don't make me fall in love again ▷▷ ↻

"You passed the test just two weeks ago and I don't think you've ever done side apparition," he pointed out.

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