16. My Life Is Weider Than You Think

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• 2nd July, 1996, Jackson Household •

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2nd July, 1996, Jackson Household

"No." Paul Blofis said firmly.

Percy scoffed to which her Mom looked at her disapprovingly. "Paul, we're telling the truth." Sally insisted.

"You want to me to believe that her," he pointed at Percy, who was drinking water, "father is a god?"

"You got it right Mr. Blowfish."

"No." Paul didn't bother to correct her. It was clear that Percy didn't like him because of reasons unknown to him. He thought that the mother and daughter had cooked this story up to get rid of him. He knew Sally loved him and he loved her with all his heart. He just had to find a way to somehow prove her daughter that he was a good guy.

"Amazing." Percy commented drily.

"Sally, do you seriously want me to believe that greek gods exist?"

"Paul, yes, I'm telling you the truth."

Paul shook his head in disbelief. He picked up his keys and excused himself, saying he had special class. He bid them goodbye and promised Sally that he will call later.

Sally turned to her daughter and took her hands in hers. "Percy, please, give him a chance."

"Mom, I want to but..." she bit her lip, hesitating. "but I don't want you to get hurt again Mom. You know what happened with Gabe."

Sally was touched. Her eyes welled up with tears of pride. I've raised my daughter well. She pulled her into a hug, stroking her long hair. "He's not like Gabe, okay. Just give him a chance, honey. But if you don't want him near us, I don't either."

Percy buried her face in the crook of Sally's neck. "Sure, Mom, I'll give Mr. Blowfish a chance, for you."

"Can we start with you not calling him, Blowfish?"

Percy giggled as she pulled away from the hug. "But, Mom, it suits him better." she argued with a grin.

Sally playfully glared at her before ruffling her daughter's hair fondly. "I'll get you some cookies."


Percy's smile fell as soon as her mother left to get the cookies. She rested her head on the table with a sigh. She loved her Mom and she will stand beside her no matter what. But, she didn't want her Mom and Mr. Blowfish to rush things up. She can't be blamed as her first stepfather was an angel till the wedding and after it, he turned out to be the biggest jerk in the world.

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