Tiny Scares

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Oh Carsy..
Only you can give me a freight like no other... 😌 Ugh.
I'm just always thinking of you. Always fearful and scared that you will say something hurtful again like that time before. Always terrified of loosing you.. Or, at least what I have left.
You're so silly..
You asked me what I was doing and I did my whole go into more detail than usual just to make a point that I was listening to different Christmas music.
And you said
She's listening to Christmas music
And I of course panicked, trying to figure out who else you would be talking to. And it turns out it was just a silly joke where you ask a person something than say what that person was doing as if you were speaking to another person about them.
Ugh. I should have laughed about it, but instead of freaked out.
I wish I wasn't so fragile now.. So easy to hurt. So sensitive. I thought I was before, but it's nothing like now.
I now have a ton of new things..
-panic attacks
- Athazagoraphobia
So I'm kind of slightly different than I was before.. I'm a whole lot weaker. I'm not as strong. Defiantly fragile.. I can't take as much as before. I freak out over little things..and I'm always jumpy and scared.
I'm sorry Carson. I'm sorry for the way I am now. And I'm sorry for changing so many things in your life and mine.. I hope you forgive me. I hope you know how sorry I am.. And what you told me on whisper, I hope that was the truth. I hoe that's how you feel..
I hope you love me.. Maybe just a little...
And I hope, that maybe one day you will want to be together again.. Maybe even forever.. 😌

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