CHAPTER-2 Friends

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If I had the power, I would grab Jungkook by his ear and hang him by his toe from a high rise building and play ping pong with his eye balls.

But no, because if I had that power, almost 70% of the population would be hanging like a decoration.

I hate people.

Except you Taehyung, you are a sweetheart.

I sigh for like....the hundredth time on my way home. All the excitement and happiness that came from the invitation went flowing down the gutter after his mention.

My driver stopped the car once we reached below the building and unlocked the door.
"Have a good night, miss." he genuinely said. 

Hmm maybe I won't hang him.

"You too." I smiled a little at him and got out of the car. 

My heels clicked on the marble floor of the building as I walked towards the elevators. When the guards saw me approaching, they stopped their chatting and stood upright.

Power, bitch.

But I knew the best of it so I politely acknowledged them and told them to continue.

All I want right now is coffee. 

And a hot bath.

A hot bath and a coffee.

The ding of the elevator announced the arrival at my floor. Outside my house, I quickly scanned my fingerprint and rushed in to sit and relax on the couch before he comes ho----

"Hey, you back."


Someone fuck my life already!

"You are home soon." I closed my eyes and sunk in the couch.

"Yeah, thought you would need some company." he spoke while whipping something in the kitchen to eat.


"Seriously Jimin, I do need company, but not of an annoying ass sibling." I smile sarcastically at him.

"First of all, fuck you. And second of all, I know what I am surprisingly in a big brother mode." he came towards me with two steaming mugs.

"You made coffee?" 

So many surprises in just one day.

"See? I am so good. Anyways....Tae told me what happened." he smirked.
Did he tell about...............

"By the looks of your face, yes he told me everything."

"That butthole." I murmured under my breath and sipped the coffee. I might have liked the taste a bit too much because I gave out a small moan.

"So coffee or Taehyung?" Jimin laughed.

"Right now? Definitely coffee." I smile at his effort to lift my mood. Don't get me wrong, Jimin is the best brother anyone could ask for, but when he is not in his caring mode, he is the most irritating living thingy.

"Okay, so what about Jungkook?"

"He is gonna be there at the meet too."


"I really don't mind if he comes or not. Because let's be honest, he is competitive and hardworking so he got this chance, but the problem is that his company is as good as mine. Maybe a bit better, so that puts me at a huge risk to lose out on the alliance." I sigh.........again.

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