CHAPTER-17 Boyz With Fun

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*Third Person's POV*

"Sorry, daddy."

"Ofcourse you are, but you do realise that I would still have to punish you, right?" Jungkook spoke like talking to a small kid.

"But you said we won't be doing this anymore." Taehyung asked with a frown.

"I did, yes. But I said I would punish you. Punishment isn't always sex, Taetae." he came closer to him and observed him from head to toe.

"Hmm so okay.......remove your clothes and go lie on that table, baby boy." Jungkook clapped his hands as he ordered the elder.

This was nothing new, they have been doing this for years. But Jungkook decided it was time to put an end to it when Tae confessed to him that he has feelings for Y/n, that was, 6 months back.

"I am ready, daddy." Tae purred.

Jungkook's tongue poked in his cheek as he looked at the naked guy, lying on the table infront of him.

"Let's see........have you been a good boy?" he asked while lifting the wine glass that Tae was drinking from previously.

"No daddy, I have been a bad boy."

"That you have you perhaps, deserve punishment? Hm?" his sultry voice making Taehyung visibly hard. Jungkook smirked at his state.

"Yes, I deserve to be punished."he breathed out.

Jungkook stood on the side of the table and slowly lifted the wine glass to Tae's body level.

"You aren't allowed to make any noise or cum till I ask you to. Is that clear?" he gently passed his fingers through Taehyung's hair.

"It's clear.....c-crystal clear." he already started stuttering, knowing that Jungkook's punishment weren't rough, but they were hard.

"Your is skin so plain and beautiful, let me paint it red."

Jungkook smiled and tilted the glass over his neck. The trickle of red liquid poured out and splattered across his well-defined collar bone. Taehyung sharply inhaled as the coolness came in contact with his skin. His hands gripping the edge of the table as Jungkook started to move the glass down to his chest and stomach, over his belly button and then stopping right above his crotch, emptying the whole glass there.

The tingling feeling making him shift on the table. The moans and whimpers making their way to his throat but dying there.

Jungkook put the glass back and came back to stand between Taehyung's legs.

"Which wine was it?" he asked, his hands sliding softly up and down Taehyung's outer thighs.

"Cabernet Sauvignon." Tae mumbled.

"Ahh my favourite.............You don't mind if I taste it, do you?" Jungkook leaned over a bit, his own crotch  pressing over Taehyung's dick.

"I-I don't d-daddy."

"Very good boy, now let me make it a bit easier for you. You can make noises but no cumming. Okay?"

"Okay." he whimpered.

Jungkook squeezed his ass harshly, which made Tae arch his back."'Okay' what?"

"Ahhhh, o-okay daddy."


He bent down and swiped his tongue just above Tae's crotch, licking the wine.

"Fuck.......mmmmmmm" Taehyung moaned, hardening even more.

Jungkook agonizingly slowly started moving his tongue higher on his torso, kissing and biting his skin, literally painting him red.

His hands started playing with Taehyung's nipples as he licked the part of his rib cage.

"My baby and the wine taste so good." Jungkook whispered, while starting to move his hips against his dick.

"Dad-daddy, pleaase, l-let me come..." Taehyung whined again.

"Oh sweetheart, I haven't finished my snack yet."

And then he went back to sliding his tongue on Taehyung's collar and then kissing his neck and marking him with hickeys.

"Mmmmm ahhhh Ju-daddy please...."

"Will you repeat your mistakes again?" Jungkook got up from him and raised an eyebrow.

"No, daddy."

"Good boy, the best boy......come for me Taetae."

Taehyung stroked himself a bit and white liquid squirted all over his stomach. He dropped his head back on the table, breathing heavily.

"I hate you so much Jungkook."

"Aww really?"

"Yes." Tae looked up at him and started wearing his clothes.

"But you know you deserved it." Jungkook cockily replied.

"Fuck you and anyways, why does it even matter if I kissed her or not. It's not like you love her or she is your girlfriend."

"She is my wife."

Taehyung laughed. "Yeah? As real as Kylie Jenner's lips? Suuurreeee."

"Sometimes I forget you have a sense of humour." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"But you didn't answer me." He was now fully dressed and both the guys sat across each other on the couch. "Do you have feelings for her?"

Jungkook knew if he said yes, his friend would be hurt. If he said no, he knew he would be lying and Tae would catch him. So he gave the most honest answer.

"I don't know.......I mean, I don't love her but I don't hate her either." he saw the elder eyeing him carefully, like trying to read his mind. Knowing it was getting pretty late and to escape Taehyung's intelligent gaze, he stood up to leave. "I'll leave now, sorry for barging in so late."

He turned around but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

Taehyung stopped him and looked into his eyes while speaking. "She isn't in love with me but if she ever loves you, or anyone, promise you won't abandon her. I have seen how she talks about you. She cares for you and now considers you an important part of her life. Don't hurt her."

"I promise." Jungkook nodded and left.

The elder's words still floating in his mind. 

'If she ever loves you........'

Will she?

Will she ever love me after knowing what all I have done?


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