CHAPTER-8 Seesaw

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All dolled up. I wait for Jungkook to arrive so that we can leave for JinHit together. But he does have to make my life difficult.


Um yEaH mAx 7

Max 7 my ass.

Just as I was about to call him, the front door opened hastily and a wild looking Jungkook stumbled in while tucking his shirt. But I guess he didn't tie his shoelaces because the next thing I witnessed was him falling face first on to the floor. He emitted a loud groan while trying to get back on his feet, like a slowest idiot ever. He supported his weight on his arms and stood back up. He started walking towards me like nothing happened but tripped again on the coat that he forgot to pick up and fell again.

Natural selection is coming for this species.

When he didn't move, I poked him with my heels. "Oi, you dead?"

"No." came his muffled and painful voice. "Just embarrassed."

"Get up, we are already late." I help this cracked coconut up and picked his coat.

"No 'are you fine' or anything?" he asked.

I smile at him and walk closer to him. Keeping my hand on his cheek I caress it. "I am not your real wife." and with that I walk away.

Suck  it  up.


"Why were you late may I ask?"

"I-um I had some work."

I know he is lying but there is no point in arguing with him.

"Stay with me all the time."

I ignore him. It really is irritating me how he is going around doing things and making me realise everything is at his mercy but then again telling me to act as if he just wasn't rude.

We reach the hotel where the party was being held. Reporters and camera men swarmed around the entrance. My palms started to sweat from the nervousness and my heart started beating faster.

"Stay here." Jungkook whispered as he got out of the car and came across my side. He opened the door and offered me his hand, wearing a charming smile on his face. I held his hand and stepped out of the limo. As soon as I was beside Jungkook, the flashes went off which made the sequins on my midnight blue dress sparkle like fairy dust. I gave my most realistic fake smile, which almost slipped when Jungkook snaked his arm around my waist and held me tightly. The reporters were going crazy seeing us together. All of them shouting questions from each side. Mostly if we were dating or not. 

Lol guys we are married.

Jungkook leaned down and whispered in my ear. "I forgot to tell you that you look gorgeous today." His cheek was lightly touching mine and his lips brushed on my ear as he spoke, which made goosebumps occur on my skin.

I don't know if he did for the cameras or not but I carried the act anyway. I lightly slap his chest and giggle a bit and whisper back. "Dude this is funny as fuck."

"Yeah no shit." he rolled his eyes in a playful manner. "Let's go before we burst out laughing."he adjusted his grip on my waist and we started moving inside.

Once we were in the hotel lobby, Jungkook started giving instructions again. "We are not married or a couple for the public yet. Only Namjoon and Jin know this."

"I know Jungkook, I know. Can we please go?"

He nodded and we made our way in the party hall. My eyes landed on a familiar figure standing tall in one of the corners, talking to Yoongi. As soon as he felt my gaze on him, his attention came upon me and he gave his signature boxy smile. Excusing himself, he walked towards us.


''Hey." I smile at him.

"Good to see you again Jungkook."

"You too Taehyung.''

They shake hands while staring each other down, their grips on each other so strong that there knuckles turned white.

I clear my throat to cut their staring competition short. "I hope you are taking care of her." Tae asked while narrowing his eyes.

"She is my wife, of course I am."

Taehyung's eyes widened at that. "What?"

"Oh she didn't tell you? We signed the papers today." Jungkook smirked.

I could feel my best friend's gaze on me. Finally, gathering some courage I look at Tae. "I told you I would do it."

"Yeah but you didn't tell me you already did." and he turned around and went to sit on the table reserved for us.

"Oooo lover boy is hurt.'' he said with feigned sadness.

"You shouldn't have done that. Stop making my life miserable. Please." I whisper the last part.

The event started shortly with Jin and Namjoon welcoming the guests. Once they were finished with the formalities, they called me and Tae on the stage to sign the contract and officially seal the deal. People cheered and champagnes were brought in to celebrate the newly formed partnership.

The party went on till midnight, the employees were having a blast on DJ and I avoided Jungkook the whole time. Even though he was throwing daggers at me when I hung around with Tae, I didn't care. I had to talk to him first.

"Tae, I am really sorry, I know I should have told you earlier but I got so caught up in other work that I--- I- I don't have an explanation.  I am sorry." I took him to a corner so that no one would hear us.

"I am not mad at you for that. This just triggered the other thing I was angry for."

Other thing? What is he talking about?

"What other thing?"

His eyes turned glassy.

"Why did you tell everyone I fucked you to get the position of COO?"

Why did I?

More like when the fuck did I?


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