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*One week later*

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine in this dark night?" Jungkook mocked as I came down for dinner, looking miserable after being forced to hear another one of his girls moaning all day.

"Don't talk to me." I spat at him.

"Whoa what's got your panties in a knot?" 

Can this guy be serious? For once? Like.........for a small millisecond?

"You tell me!" I finally snap at him. I have had enough of his playboy ass. He stopped moving his fork and rested his arms on the table, giving me a serious look.

"You have been bringing girls around for the past week. I am so sick of hearing all those noises and banging of furniture! Do you have any idea how irritating and distracting it is?! I am trying to work in my room and the next thing I hear is 'boom boom' Jeon Jungkook is fucking another 'wee lass'" 

"It's my home, I do what I want." he said nonchalantly.

"Of fucking course it is! I didn't sign up for this Jungkook! I am living away from my brother and friend just because of that deal! Can you not be a little bit considerate and go to some hotel to fuck someone's brains out!"

"Stop yelling at me for god's sake!"

"Why? Huh? You feeling agitated? Frustrated? You should feel that! You got angry in just 5 minutes and I have been handling you for a week!"

"I said shut up!" his fists bang on the table, startling me. "You could have told me once and I wouldn't have done it. You come to me out of a sudden that you have a problem! Sorry Y/n but I do not read minds and I for sure can't read what's inside that thick skull of yours!"

"Okay then! Now you know I have a problem, now don't bring those hoes around till the time I am staying!" I say firmly.

"Yeah whatever." he pushed his plate and stormed upstairs. "Then don't bring Taehyung to fuck you as well. I have a problem with your moans too." he spoke while going upstairs.

I scoffed at his hypocrisy but then I look down and see plate of half eaten food. I sigh in frustration. He didn't eat his food because of me ughh what is wrong with me. 

What he said was kinda true, I should have told him before, not shower him with profanities when he was clearly enjoying his dinner.

Even I lost my appetite because of this. 

"I'll apologize to him tomorrow." 


"Finally! You are back!" Taehyung hugged me as soon as I entered his office. "Your assistant has been trying to get in my pants and do you know it's so irritating?''

"Why don't you give her a chance?" I nudge him with my elbow.

"I would rather date barbie, Choi is even more plastic than her."

"Drama." We both laugh, finally being reconciled after a whole long week.

We make our way towards the empty meeting room. 
No no.
No sex. 
I gotta review some reports. Promise.

"Anything of concern?" I ask him.

"No not really, some of the Japanese investors drew out, fearing the alliance between Apex and JinHit failing and the others have applauded the bold move."

"Weak are those who drew out." I dramatically speak.

"Okay Your Highness, now shut up. There has been a transfer of........." he starts rummaging through the papers.

Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now