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"Wh-what happened?"

I punch her straight in the jaw, making her stumble backwards.

Slamming the door shut, I slowly approach her, a murderous look in my eyes. I will kill this bitch.

She was groaning and struggling to stand up.

"So much strength for the mistress of a gang leader."

I grab her hair and yank her head back. "Am I right? Viper?"

She looked at me with widened eyes. Her nails digging in my skin as she tries to get out of my grip. Blood oozing out from her scratching.

But right now she could shoot me with a gun and I would feel nothing.


"Let's see if your lover will protect you now." I slam my knee in her stomach, making her cough blood.

"S-stop!"She yells.

"As if!" I then proceed to slap her.

I am no fighter, but right now, with all the frustration and anger, I can literally take on Robur. 

Grabbing her shoulders I slam her on the wall and start choking her. 

"You are a fucking piece of bullshit!  A bloody mistake by your parents! You listening? You fucking cunt! You shriveling piece of spit out gum!" I slap her once again.

Throwing her on the ground, as she catches on to her breath I call Jungkook. I need to apologise to him.

"Y/n?" his voice came out weak and frail.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?"

"He is not sweet heart." Another voice now takes over.

"Who are you?" I ask, already knowing who it was.

"Robur. It's nice to finally talk to you, Y/n."

I freeze in my spot. 

Not him.

Not with my Jungkook.

"You have been such a pain in the ass. You and your husband." he spat. 

"Don't you dare hurt him." my voice shaky but firm.

"Oh hun, I will. How will you stop me?" he laughs, a cold, empty and scary laugh.

"I have Viper."


Total silence.

"You are bluffing." he confidently said, but not totally convinced by his own words.

"Viper, be a good girl for daddy and say 'hi'." I take the phone towards the crippled woman.



"Shush Robur. Now, let's talk." I say, a tad bit confidently. "You let go of Jungkook and I'll leave Lana. Deal?"

He let out a humorless laugh. "You think I am stupid?"

"Uh yeah?"

"Listen here little girl, you bring Lana to me, or else, I will torture him that he would be begging for death. AND before you say anything....let me tell you that you won't be able to hurt Viper like I would hurt Jungkook here. You know why?''


"Because I am his father, and I know how to punish him."

"NO Y/N DON'T COME oomphh." I heard Jungkook yell and then a sound of punch thrown.

Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now