CHAPTER-26 Awake

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*Third Person's POV*

Yoongi had spent two days trying to get the deleted files back and 80% were already backed up in his pen drive.

While doing so, he sighed, something he has been doing since Taehyung and Jungkook told him of their plan. He understood their concern but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be knowing about all this.

He let out a frustrated groan and he pulled his hair in frustration.

A beep from the computer, indicating the transfer of files, makes him smile in satisfaction.

"Time to meet Y/n."


"Thanks for coming know I wouldn't be able to come to you without making a next big headline." They both laughed at her honesty.

"It's fine actually, I could meet Tae too."

She nodded in agreement."You sure can!"

Yoongi took out the pen drive and passed it to her.
"Have you had a look at them?" she asked.

"I thought it would be inappropriate of me to go through them." he shrugged, being a gentleman he is.

"It really wouldn't have mattered but thanks."

They both talked to each other but Yoongi being careful to say as less about Jungkook and Tae as possible. This is their mess and he didn't want a single part of it.

"Yoongi hyung!" Tae came rushing through the door and back hugging the elder.

"Hey Taetae." he patted his arms in acknowledgment.

"You look like you just escaped a ghost." Y/n giggles at him, who had flushed cheeks and heavy breath. Yoongi looked back at him and observed his state. He sure did look like that.

"Yeah even worse.......Lana!" he exclaimed dramatically while pouring himself some water and drinking it in one go.

"Just fuck her already, man!" she nudged him in his ribcage making him wince.

"Dude eww no! She is 35 and I am an innocent child of 26!'' he threw his hands up in frustration and pushed his hair back.

"You are anything but innocent Tae....."

"I agree with her."

Taehyung stood there with a pout while the other two continued to make fun of him.

"Anyways, we'll let you do your work. Tae and I have a few things to catch up with."He gave the younger a knowing look, which didn't miss Y/n's eyes.

"Hey hyung can you drop me at Golden Closet? I have to give Jungkook some company papers."

Yoongi nodded and they both looked at you.

"Sure go ahead, I was leaving for home anyways."

Bidding each other farewell, they left in their own directions.

Y/n was anxious like she has never been. She was so close to losing her sanity in all this.

Jungkook was not home when she reached, so she decided to start working right away.

Sitting on the seat under the window, she started connecting the dots.

If Taehyung knows Yoongi and Jimin.

And Jimin knows Jungkook.

Jungkook knows Hoseok.

Hoseok knows Yoongi.

And they all are pretty much close.

Jungkook mentioned 7 friends. Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.

No one hides knowing each other except Jungkook and Taehyung.

That's why I can't trust Tae and had to drop him in my investigation with Robur. She thought.

Jungkook said he used to fuck one of them until the other one fell in love with a girl.
Tae fell in love with me.........

All these thoughts kept swarming in her head while she transferred the files on her own laptop. When all was done, she clicked on the mails that were deleted.

Her mouth dropped, her doubts cleared because all the deleted mails were sent to Golden Closet....all the plans and schemes.

She felt her eyes well up. Tae and Jungkook played her like a fiddle. All under her nose.

And then she heard her front door open.

Jungkook is back.

The truth is near.


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