CHAPTER-16 Fake Love

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"If it's fake love, it has to be sexual."

That's all the assurance Jungkook needed. 

He pressed his lips on mine and started kissing me. I grab his t-shirt and pull him down with me on the bed. He let his body hover as I wrap my arms around his neck. 

I let him enter my mouth and deepen the kiss. Our lips moving in rhythm, it felt like a melody, serene and calming. He gently lowers his body, letting his weight fall on me as he moves his hands to my hip and then to my legs.

He lifts them so that they are wrapped around his thin waist. I push my body into his, craving for more contact with him.

A low groan left him as my hands traveled under his t-shirt, roaming around on his well-defined abs. The kiss was heated and full of lust. Both wanting each other equally bad. 

Slipping his hands under my top, he fondled with my bra cladded breasts. 
A gasp left my lips when he started to grind on me. 

He lifted himself a bit and removed his t-shirt before doing the same to me and tossing them to god knows where.

His nose nudged my jaw, indicating me to tilt my head, which I did more than gladly. I moaned softly as his lips came in contact with my skin and started kissing and sucking on it. I pulled him more into me, if that is even possible, but his touch felt like euphoria.

He trailed  the kisses down to my collar bones and to my chest. In a spur of the moment, he unclasped my bra and started kneading my breasts. This made me groan and jerk upwards into his hard crotch. Taking one of the boobs in his mouth, he played with the other. His tongue circling my hard nipple, making me throw my head back in pleasure. 

With a pop, he released my breast and looked at me, slowly coming up and softly kissing my lips while his hand slid down from my waist to under my sweatpants and panties.

He darkly chuckled before seductively speaking. "My my Y/n, you are so fucking wet...........let's see how much of me you can handle." he licked his lips and slowly inserted one finger in my folds. My eyes rolled backwards as I bucked my hips forward, wanting more friction.

"Eager much?'' he smirked.

"Please Kook......"

"Please what, Princess?" he teased me while keeping his finger totally still.

"Please, m-move your fingers."


He started moving in and out of me fast, his lips on mine and our chests pressed together.

"Ahhhhh more......please.."

And just because he felt gracious, he added two more fingers together and started pumping me at a high speed. My endless moans filling the silence of the room.

"Fuck Y/ are so hot inside...." Jungkook groaned.

"Come for me baby..........." he said as he felt me clench around his fingers.

Like I was waiting for that command, I came all over his fingers. My body covered in a thin layer of sweat, still recovering from the absolute paradise I just experienced. Which also made me wonder how his dick would feel inside me.

He brings his fingers near my lips. "Suck." he ordered. I obligingly took his fingers in my mouth and started to suck on them. Jungkook observed me with parted lips and dark, hooded eyes when he immediately stood up and started removing his pants and then mine as well. He grabbed a condom from the drawers, my eyes having a nice view of his ass.

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