CHAPTER-12 Hold Me Tight

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He is a fucking rich ass person and he leaves his door open. 


Truly a genius.

But when I enter through the door, I am met with a messed up house. The flower vases are broken, there is a.....crack on the wall? And................are those his......clothes? Blood? What the---

"Jungkook?'' I whisper, trying to find him. There is blood here and his clothes are lying, what the hell happened, this is too hard to take in. I go around the couches and the kitchen but nothing. The house being eerily silent, I could hear the water running.



I rush upstairs to the source of the sound. I burst in Jungkook's room and frantically look for him. When I see that the bathroom door is open and the shower is running, I fear what I might see would not be something I'll be prepared for. Slowly making my way, I walk in the bathroom.

"Oh no, JUNGKOOK!" I hastily grab a towel and run towards the tub, turning the knob I cover the shivering boy with towel.

"Y/n?" his voice came, weak, frail and raspy.

"It's me Jungkook, you are okay, alright? I am here." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"No, I am not alright." his eyes welled up and he leaned back on the headrest.

I don't know what happened here, but Jungkook was in no position to talk.
Hell, he wasn't able to keep his eyes open.

"Listen to me Kookie, I need you to get out, your health isn't good right now, can you do that for me, hm?" I gently ask him, to which he only nodded.

I slipped his arm over my shoulder, to which he groaned.

"I am sorry." I murmur. I have no idea how I will take him to the room.

When he is standing stable, I realise he isn't wearing anything and his member is horribly swollen and red. This made me think what and who did this to him.

I wrapped the towel around his waist and he roughly grabbed my hands. "D-don't touch. It hurts." he referred to his private part.

I nodded, letting the towel on his shoulders and moving out. Settling him on the edge of the bed I observe his body. He has cuts and bruises all over. His once beautiful skin was scarred by some fucking animal and I couldn't wait to kill that person.

"I will bring some medicines." 

Luckily I find the first aid box quite quickly and rush back to him.

"This may hurt a bit, but here........'' I pass him a pillow. "Squeeze it if you want or scream, it's okay."

I first put the pain reliever almost on all the parts of his body, he actually tolerated all the pain. But now I had to mend to the cuts. I put some antiseptic on the cotton and dab it on his wounds.

He hissed and whimpered. "It hurts." 

"Shhh I know, just a few more."

Soon, all his cuts were cleaned and bandaged.

As I looked up at his beaten up face, I saw he has a cut on the corner of his lips too.

"Oh I forgot that one." I take another small portion of cotton before putting the antiseptic on it. He was watching me carefully, our closeness allowing me to see how his once sparkling eyes looked dead, void.

After I finished treating his lip, I bring some clothes for him. I help him slip on a loose t-shirt.

"I'll give you space, you can wear the boxer and then call me. I'll help with the lower."

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