CHAPTER-13 Euphoria

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I stirred in my sleep when I heard someone groaning beside me.

What kind of idiot groans so much in the morning?!

Then I opened my eyes slowly and see Jungkook trying to get up.

Wait! That's my idiot!

"What are you doing?!" I startle him by yelling all of a sudden.

"I wanted to go to the washroom." he said sheepishly.

"You should have woken me up Kook." I speak in disappointment.

"Sorry, didn't want to disturb you."

"I have gotten used to your annoying ass, there is nothing more that can disturb me now." I say, trying to lighten up the mood.

Thank the laughing gods that he laughed rather than getting offended. I help him stand near the toilet so that he can do his business while I go outside and call a doctor to attend him.

 Who knows what all that slimy mongoose of a fuck did with him.

He calls me from inside, to help him move towards the wash basin. 

Demerits of having a huge ass bathroom.

"What will you eat for breakfast?" I ask him while he was brushing his teeth. He blinked a few times, thinking what he wanted before speaking incoherent words. "Pen case wi shock laid ships." 

I look at him.

He looks at me.

This would have been a romantic fan fiction moment if my mind wasn't trying to solve the algorithm he just gave.

"Ahhhh pancakes with chocolate chips?" I ask and he excitedly nodded.

Y/n genius, sweg.

"Okay then, let's get you back to bed and then I'll prepare breakfast."

"Can you turn on the tv too?"

"Sure thing."

When he is satisfied with all this, I make my way to the kitchen to make some pen case wi shock laid ships.


*Third Person's POV*

 When she left, Jungkook called him again.


"Do you have that picture?"


"You know what to do with it, right?"

"Ofcourse Jungkook."

He scoffs. "Jungkook?"


"Hm hmm."

"Ugh fine daddy."

"That's so good to hear."

"Ask that wife of yours to call you that."

"Is that jealousy I hear?" 

"How are you, by the way....I read your message late." the voice completely ignoring his question.

"Yeah I am good, Y/n is taking good care of me."Jungkook says, unaware of the smile gracing his features.

"Aw daddy is a baby boy now? How cute."

"You keep that hole shut or I will shut it for you."

"Yeah, do that, I'll enjoy it more."

"Sheesh, go do your work, let me rest."

"Okay Kook, take care."

Jungkook could smell the fragrance of pancakes getting made from downstairs and his stomach churned at the thought of food. To keep his mind off of hunger, he drank some water, and scrolled through his chats when he spotted a familiar name. 

Hey, I haven't talked to him in a long time. He thought.

Spontaneously, he texted his best friend of ages.

Jk: Hey, long time no see!

MahBoi: Hey Kook man! Ssup? All good?

Yeah just a fake but lovely wife, that monstrosity of a father and a few injuries, all good, all good.

Jk: Yup everything's cool!

MahBoi: We haven't talked since forever, I miss our talks.

Jk: Cause sem, let's meet up? My place?

MahBoi: Sure then! When?

Today is? Monday? Yeah Monday, I guess next Monday would be cool. Yeah.

Jk: Next Monday? I am a bit sick rn, don't want you to catch a cold as well ^.^

MahBoi: Ah shit, take care. See you Monday then:)

Jk: See you Monday!

"I come bearing gifts." Y/n sang from the corridor. Jungkook chuckled at her singing voice as she kept the tray of freshly cooked pancakes in the middle of the bed. She passed him his plate and started eating from hers.

"Thanks, for all this. And I am sorry for last night."

An unwanted blush crept up her cheeks as the picture of the previous night flashed in her mind.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologise or thank me."

"Are you blushing?"

"Wh-what no?" she lowered her head so that he won't be able to see her flustered state.

He smirked and moved closer to her face. He lowered his head as well so that he could take a peek at her face. "Look at me." he said in his husky voice.

She meets his eyes, but still keeping her head low. Jungkook tilted his head, studying her face, his index finger tracing her jaw and then coming to rest under her chin. He pushed her head upwards and carefully wiped the chocolate on her lips with his thumb. If that wasn't enough to make her heartbeat rapidly increase, he put that thumb in his mouth and sucked on it, all the while keeping eye contact with her.

She would be lying if she thought that this isn't turning her on at all. The way he stared into her soul, how his gaze kept her in trance, how he popped the thumb out of his mouth and the corner of his lips turned slightly upwards on noticing her fixed stare. Y/n couldn't wrap her head around the weird feeling in her stomach. What was it that made her lose control of herself, her own conscious? 

But she knew one thing for sure. Jungkook was an unexplored drug. And once she gets a taste of him, it would be hard to hold back from going to him again and again. She would keep coming back to him until she is totally high on him, floating into an unknown void, where there is only pleasure and pure bliss.


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