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I will throw this Jungle duck in the pond I swear to god.

"What the actual fuck Jungkook?" I whisper yell at him. How does he expect me to marry him? How does he expect anyone to marry him within the notice of 5 minutes? HOW DOES ANYONE EXPECT ANYONE TO MARRY THEM LIKE THIS?bb

"What? Isn't it a fair and square deal?'' 

"You do realise marriage isn't a joke, right?"

"I hope you aren't thinking that we were gonna grow old together, have some children and shit. Because we'll be married for the world, but actually we would be living our own lives. The only difference is that you will be living with me. And once the business is at it's peak, we can always say we separated."

My mind was tangled in a mess. It surely was a tempting offer. And his company would be under me anyway. 

"Y/n, Jin is coming this way, make a decision fast."

I started to panic. Shit shit shit what do I do? He has never done my company any harm with it so let's just get it over with.


"Hey guys, let's go back inside." Jin said, looking between us.

"Sure, let's go jagiya." he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.
Okay..........I was NOT ready for this. I was startled by the sudden act and Jungkook must have noticed it because he smirked down at me.

"Don't worry, Jin can know."

Know what?

"Are you guys.....together?" Jin asked confused. Are we together? In this stupid deal? Yes.

"Well, what can I say?" Jungkook shyly said.

Nothing, shut up.

"Yeah, we are.''

"Woah, I didn't know. And I don't think anyone does."

"Yeah we wanted to keep it low until our marriage." I spoke up. Feeling stupid for keeping shut all the time.

"Marriage?!" Jin exclaimed. 

Jungkook and I nodded enthusiastically. Nervousness getting a hold of us.

"Then I guess, that makes everything easier."

We gave him puzzled looks. Unable to comprehend what made what easier.

"I look forward to work with you, partner." he extended his hand to Jungkook and me.

No way. Did he just.......

"I hope we will be working towards success........together."


"No no no Y/n.......this is plainly idiotic!" Taehyung yelled at me again. He has been reminding me of my idiocy since the time we left JinHit. 

"Tae please.........I know but do you see how much revenue would be generated? Our company would be on the top. And once we have stable profits and enough deals, I will divorce him."

"You are speaking like it's easy."

"It doesn't have to be difficult." I softly tell him.

He sighed and nodded. I knew he knew that it would be a waste of time to argue with me at this point. When we have already told Jin that we are gonna marry soon.

"What about telling him?"

"Oh no, he will surely chain me up and keep me locked. He would never let me marry Jungkook."

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