CHAPTER-29 Autumn Leaves

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"Y/n?! Is that you?!"

"Yeah yeah, hey what's wrong?"

"Y-you are in danger, t-they are coming to get you, the-they told me to call you here tomorrow but I am s-scared, p-please he-help me....."

"Sabina Sabina calm down, deep breaths, deep breaths. What's wrong? Who will hurt me?"

"You need to come by my place right now! Please!"

"Okay I am on my way! Do you want me to call the police?"

"NO! Please come fast and ALONE! Please!"

"Calm down honey, I will be there in no time. Keep talking to me."

All through her ride, she kept calming Sabina down, who was in a state of hysteria.


Y/n didn't understand.

But Robur was involved, and she knew it.

When she reached outside her apartment, she rushed up the stairs and slammed the door open. Not caring if anyone harmful was inside.


"Y/n!" she came running from her room and hugged her.

"Calm down hun, and tell me what's wrong?"

Sabina took a deep breath, her cheeks stained with dry tears. "They told me to call you here tomorrow and give you the pictures that you asked for so that they could capture you but I didn't want to do that to you that's why I called you here to show you the pictures please I don't know what to do." she rambled on.

"Show me....the pictures."

She scrambled away.

This game was so close to finish.

Her heart felt like it could leap out at any moment because of how hard it was beating.

"Here........" she came back, stretching out her hand, giving me the pictures.

And then, her whole world crumbled to nothing.

No way.


"Sabina......lock yourself in here, okay? Don't come outside or let anyone come. Close the curtains and cut off the lights...I'll come back, I promise.

And then she ran.

She ran to the person in the photo graph.

The one who destroyed her life.


Jungkook didn't even bother taking the car. He just ran to get to Y/n. He, needed to tell her how he actually feels about her. 

He can't let this chance go.

She can go back to hate him.

But right now, he had to tell her.

How she changed his life.

How she became his life.

"I am coming to you baby....and I will make it right." he said to himself, continuing to run through the crowd.

He could make out the tall building in which she lived. Smiling widely, he rushed towards the zebra crossing, crossing to reach the love of his life, when suddenly a black jeep swerved from his right, hands coming out to grab him.

Before he could register anything, a hard hit at the back of his head made him fall, his consciousness fading away.

The last words that he could hear made him want to die right at the spot.

"We meet again...



I can't believe this would happen.

I am a stupid stupid stupidest person.

Nothing could have prepared me for what Sabina showed me.

I rush towards the familiar house, my blood boiling so much that I could explode.

Reaching the door, I start banging on the door.


Soon the door opens and I could feel the blood rushing in my veins.


"Lana, you fucking bitch."


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