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"Do you know who started this rumour?" I ask Lana.

"Um no miss. I haven't even heard of it." she said, looking confused.

"How come? Everyone is talking about it."

"Maybe they don't want me to know as I would have told you?" 

"Yeah, that could be it. Oh and if someone tells you about this, tell them it's just a senseless rumour."

"Of course I would."

She walked away and I started up my laptop. Just then I received a twitter notification which made me open the feed as fast as I could.

                                                       "Y/n Y/l/n and Jeon Jungkook dating?" 

And there were lot comments saying it was all because of alliance that Jungkook is dating me and some said how cute we looked.

Come home and have a look at how we are milliseconds away from murdering each other.

But this isn't what I was scared of. It was the notification that came afterwards.

Diminie: Call me.

Call me.

With a full stop.

Get ready Y/n, there is gonna be a full stop on your life.

I call him immediately. Not wanting to anger him anymore.

He picked up the phone but didn't say anything. Fuck he is angry.


No reply.

"Are you---"

"Is it true?"

"Jimin listen to me, I can explai---"


I flinched away from the phone when he raised his voice.

"No. He was just a date for that night, nothing else."

Shit. I lied.

I could hear him leave a sigh of relief. "Thank god Y/n, I got so scared."

I laugh a little. "Why were you scared?"

"I-um I don't think he is a guy you should be involved with."

Now I was curious. "Why?"

"It's just............He is a playboy, you know."

That I knew. I thought there would be something else.

"Yeah don't worry Chim."

"Okay then, you must be working, I'll talk to ya later kay?"

"Yeah sure, byee."

I am lying to my brother. My best friend hates me. My husband is....well....Jungkook.

Can my life be anymore horrible? I pace around the room, thinking who could have known about me and Tae. It's definitely not Jimin. It won't be Jungkook.

But he can be. Who knows maybe this was his plan after all.

That's it.

I am confronting him tod---- "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

I scream as I felt two arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder.

"How is my beautiful wife doing today?" he whispered in my ear.

"You scared me shitless you idiot." I manage to get out of his grasp and face him. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I came to visit my wife, can't I?" he smirked.

"No." I deadpanned.

"But I am here now, you can do nothing. And anyways I am here to help you."

I chuckle at this. "Help me? I'll tell you how you can help me. Speak the truth."

"Uh umm the- the what?" he stuttered.

"The truth. Why did you spread the rumour?"

"What the fuck Y/n, how many times should I tell you that I didn't."

"I know you suck at math but this is easy calculation Kook, who would spread the rumour amongst me, Tae and you?" I inch closer to him, challenging him to lie to my face.

But he inches forward as well, with equal confidence. "I didn't. And if the calculation is so easy then maybe Taehyung did it, or maybe you."         

"Do you hear yourself? Why would either of us do that?"

"I don't know Y/n, maybe you don't want to give me my share so you want to seem like you and Tae are a thing. And Taehyung obviously likes you. Maybe he wanted to take what's mine."

"Yours? You don't own me Jungkook, I can fuck whoever I want just like you do, but I won't because unlike you, I don't want to blow our cover."

He clenched his jaw and looked at me with anger.

Here we were standing, in the middle of my cabin, staring at each other with hatred, I am breathing hard and I am  sure my breath is felt on his face because I can feel his.
All of a sudden the door opens. "Y/n I wa--Oh I am sorry."

Taehyung turned around and started to walk back when I push past Jungkook and follow him.

"Tae wait!" he doesn't stop when I call him, but slows his speed. "Tae listen, it was not what it looked like." I grab his arm and stop him.

"Please Y/n, stop lying." he practically begs.

"Why don't you trust me huh? You say I did it. I can say the same for you as well."

He doesn't say anything, instead, he walks away to the empty hallway and to the balcony.

I follow him again. "Talk to me, please." By now, the tears started to form in my eyes.

"I am sorry, you are right. I shouldn't have blamed you like that."

"I understand, I may have done the same if I were you."

"But we should look into it."

"It's not safe to talk can come at my place." I offer him.

"That's a good idea yeah, okay. When should I come?"

"Next week?"

"Cool okay."

There was silence between us. Only the wind blowing and the cars honking on the road below could be heard.

Suddenly Tae chuckled.

"What's funny?" I ask him.

"You said that it could have been me." he chuckled a bit again.

"I just, I didn't mean it."

"Let me tell you, why I would never ever do something like this"

He held my hand and pulled me gently towards him.

"Because Y/n Y/l/n, I love you.''

And then he kissed me.


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