CHAPTER-4 Roadpath

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"I miss you already." Tae said from the other side of the line.

I chuckled. "I miss you too, hope I would be able to see you soon."

"Can I come over?"

Oh how I wish for him to be here, but I don't think Jungkook would be too pleased with it.

"Sorry Tae, but give me a few more days to settle down, then you can."

"Oh alright! I can't wait to meet you!"

"Great! I'll talk to you later."

I disconnect the phone and look outside the window. It feels so good to be so high above the ground. 
I kinda feel this is how my life actually is. High up. 

I have got it all, money, fame, a good company, but it's lonely up here. I can't see the trees or hear the morning birds chirping outside. All there is are the clouds and sun. Clouds bring darkness, the heat of sun burns my skin. But then I look down, at the small buildings and almost invisible people and cars, jostling around happily. They don't have the power I do and they still are happy.

Too much thinking ugh.

I think of doing some work if I have to stay in this beautiful prison all day.

But just as I was about to reach out for my laptop, I was stopped by a feminine giggle from downstairs.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I got off from the bed and padded along in the hallway. A sudden squeal made me jump a bit. I carefully peeked  from the railing and what I saw made my eyes drop out from my sockets.

Jungkook was hungrily kissing a girl. His back was towards me so I couldn't see the girl but only his bull like muscular behind.

I hastily scrambled back and ran back to my room.

Here I was thinking it would be weird for Tae to come and now that mushroom is down there swallowing the girl's fake lips.

I immediately called him over.

No Jungle duck can stop me from doing what I want to do.


GucciBoi: M here....

I ran to the door, trying to block out the unholy noises coming from Jungkook's room.

"Thank goodness you are here." I pull the confused looking man inside and run back to my room.

"Were those...."

"Yeah my husband is having sex with a random girl." I clarify, seeing his innocent expressions.

"And you called your best friend to fuck you when your brother is unaware of this? What a normal life you have." he poked my cheek.

"I didn't call you here to have sex bruh, I wanted to hang out." I swat his hand away.

But he grabs my forearm and pulls me in his chest. "But what if I want to do it?" 

I look up at him, gulping at his dominance. He started to lean in, the tip of his nose touched mine and he nudged it, making me tilt my head more and capturing me into a soft kiss. I rested my hands on his chest and deepened it.

His hands roamed all over my body, tracing all the curves and ridges.

The two adjacent rooms were full of voices of pleasure. Both the pairs unaware of the others sounds, just enjoying their partner's company.

After a wild session, I collapsed on Tae's chest as he stroked my hair with one hand and drew circles on the lower back with the other.

"Do you think they heard us?" he asked in his raspy voice.

"I don't care." I say, a bit disappointment that Jungkook didn't bother about our plan. That girl could rat out to someone for all we care.

Tae hummed and rested his chin on my head. "You seem sad. Why?"

"It's nothing. I just miss you and Jimin."

"You think you  can lie to me?'' he pinched my waist, making me squirm and lay beside him.

"That hurts dipshit!'' I scowl at him and he only smirks.

"So shoot.....whats the problem?"

"I don't know, maybe it was wrong of me to assume that there can be something between me Jk."

"Do you like him?" he asks with a bit of strain in his voic.

"What? No! I meant as in friendship."

He scoffed at me. What is up with him today?

"Friendship? like you and I have?" he said it in an almost mocking tone.

"What do you mean?" I didn't like how he was bringing our relation in between the conversation.

"Y/n look at me." he sat up and I followed his actions. "Do you think we are normal friends? Friends don't fuck each other."

"What are you trying to say? That we are just frequent hook ups?''

"It sometimes feels like that." he lowered his head and fidgeted with his fingers.

"I am sorry if you felt that way but I didn't ask it for today." I was feeling hurt. Whatever we did was by both of our consents.

"I am not blaming you Y/n, I am blaming me for not being able to control myself when I look at you." he stood up from the bed and started wearing his clothes.

"Tae......" I whisper as I walk towards him. I turn him from his shoulders and cup his cheeks. "I really am sorry. We won't do it next time." I kiss his cheek softly, making it linger there for a moment.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"You won't."

"I should leave. See you next week?"

I nodded at him. Still unable to shake his sad face from my mind.

He twisted the door knob and started walking out.

"Hey Tae, I lo---"

"Don't say it." he gritted.

I was taken aback. He never spoke in such a harsh tone with me.


"Because then I would want to cuddle with you but I have work right now." he gave his cheeky smile and closed the door.

I felt relieved knowing he was not mad at me.


*Taehyung's POV*

"Hey Tae, I lo---"

"Don't say it." I say to the soft voice.


I could see the worry on her face. She thinks I am mad at her. Huh. She really is innocent.

"Because then I would want to cuddle with you but I have work right now." I smiled, a sign of assurance that I am not mad at her.

Don't say it Y/n, because we both have different feelings when we say it.


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