CHAPTER-31 Make It Right

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"Let's have some fun, kitten."


And then I hardly squeezed his dick and twisted it so that he is writhing on the ground. I climb on his back and pulled the gun from his holster and aim it at his head.

His men didn't expect this so they were slow in reacting.

In a freeze frame, it looked like this:

A girl sitting on the back of a half naked man while the other half naked man looked at her with wide eyes and numerous guards pointed their guns at the the girl sitting on the back of a half naked man, while the other.......okay okay I'll stop.

"Drop your guns.........NOW!" my voice boomed in the almost empty room.

The 17 men hesitated and looked at each other.

"I have no problem in shooting him, so drop your guns and kick them towards me."

"Just do it idiots." Robur groaned from under me.

They obeyed and tossed their guns.

Jungkook stood up with a lot of struggles and grabbed all the guns and brought them to our side, away from them.

Smart baby.

Robur chuckled from below me and then bursted into a full blown laughter.

"Is your dick tingling? Why the fuck are you laughing?" I push his head down with the tip of the gun.

"Now what will you do? Keep sitting here till we grow old" he asked.

I smile at him.
Lifting the gun, I shoot it in the front wall, where no one was standing and then push the hot barrel in the back of his neck. He screamed in agony as the skin in contact burnt due to the heat.

"You think I am stupid?" I spat his words back at him. "You think I came unprepared? There is a whole squad of police on their way here."

I kept my eye on each of the guards. I would have shot anyone who tried to make  a move.

But I may have got a bit distracted because Robur heaved up, making me roll on my back, but I regained my stance and aimed the gun at him again.

I didn't know I could do a back roll and take this position, on my one knee with gun pointed at someone.

But it was a lucky coincidence and I looked cool so I moved along.

"Don't move." I say slowly, emphasizing that if he moves, I will shoot.

"I have been in this situation a lot of times baby, and trust me, I know you wouldn't shoot me."

"Why wouldn't I?"

He stood up confidentally

Unlike a few moments ago, when he was begging under me.

Okay that sounded wrong.

He smirked. "Because you are just a scared little girl. The one who is pretending to be strong. You think that you have the guts? You don't.
I am a free man honey. You won't shoot me because you don't have the balls." he finished, smiling proudly, that he got to me.

I lowered my gun a bit, my pupils unsteady. 

"You are right, I can't." I breathed out a puff of air.

His eyes glowed with happiness. 

He knew he got me.

"I-I don-don't have the balls t-to sh-shoo-shoot y-you..........."

"That's right becau--aaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhh."

The bullet left my gun and pierced through his left thigh, startling everyone.

"Because I am a woman and we don't have balls."

He holds his thigh and squirms on the ground.

"Stay" I spat at him and kick him in the face.

The guns by my side, the boss on the ground, the terrified looking guards and the now the sirens of the police meant one thing.

"We won, Y/n." Jungkook whispered, supporting himself with the help of that chair.

The door slammed open and in came the police squad and some familiar faces.

The boys.

I drop my gun away from me and walked towards Jungkook.

"I am such a stupid person for not bel--"

"No Y/n....."

He stopped me and gave a small smile.

He leaned towards me and locked our lips together in a slow kiss.
Pulling back he whispered, "I love you Y/n Y/l/n....." and then his eyes closed and his head fell in my lap.



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