CHAPTER-22 So What

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*Third Person's POV*


"Hey, Yoongi. It's Tae."

"Oh come on Tae I have your number saved." the elder chuckles.

"Yeah sorry."

"So what's up? You only call when you have some work."

"Hyung, it's not like that." he whined.


"Umm I need a favour." Taehyung said sheepishly.

"There we go. What is it kiddo?"

"I am sending you an email ID, could you maybe recover all the deleted mails, sent and received, all."

"I can do that. But whose ID is this?"

"Y/n......we suspect someone from inside is doing this."

"Does she know you are doing this? With her ID?"

"Ofcourse she does, why would I go behind her back?"

"Seriously? Do I need to remind you that Kook and you ar---"

"Okay okay fine. Do one thing, send her the retrieved mails directly. Don't send them to me."

"Yes, that's exactly what I am gonna do."

"Okay, I'll text you the ID."


"Thanks hyung."

"No problem kiddo."

Taehyung gazed back at the lake infront of him. Only if this all could get over soon and he could apologize to Y/N. She is bound to know someday, he just wishes it's not soon.

He felt a pair eyes on him from the corner of his eyes. No, he couldn't let anyone know he has spotted them. So he ignored and closed his eyes and leaned a bit back on the bench.

"How long are you gonna pretend that you didn't see me?"

He got startled as his eyes shot open at the muffled male voice that came from right beside him.

"Who are you?" his adrenaline started to kick in. He could have kicked the guy in the groin and escaped, but something kept him rooted to his spot.

"Doesn't really matter. I need you to do something for me."

"And why do you think I would do anything for you?"

"You want your lovely Y/n to live, right?" his face was covered with a mask and glasses, he wore a baseball cap and a hoodie over it, but still Taehyung could feel him smirking under all this armor.

He now stood up, getting on his eye level, his jaw clenched and lips pursed in a straight line.

"Don't you dare to even t---"

"Stop with this lover boy threatening, okay? If you simply do what I tell you to, no one has to be harmed."

Taehyung looked at him for a moment. "What do I have to do?"

"You are looking for Robur?"

He froze at his spot. How did he know this?

"I-uh I umm yeah." Taehyung stuttered.

The other guy snickered. "Robur wants to meet you, he has a soft spot for people who want to find him. You see, not everyone is daring enough."

"Y-you are his guy?"

"So what?" He nodded slowly.

"Nothing........when should I meet him?"

"Oh not so fast. Because you don't find him. He finds you, just like today. He wants you to stop looking for him. He will send for you when he wants to meet you. Till then, forget him."

"That's all?"

"Hm hm. Hey, is that Y/n?" he points over Taehyung's shoulder. 

"What?" Tae turns around to see no one there. "There is no o---what the hell?" when he turned back, the unknown man had vanished. He looked around, try to locate him or find any glimpse of him.

But he just evaporated in thin air, like a ghost.


Jungkook was sitting in his office, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone. The tracker he installed in her mobile has been working perfectly, and nothing seems out of usual until she leaves her office.

"She never leaves her office so early." Jungkook grabs his coat from his chair and rushes out to follow her. "Hey Ren, mind if I take your bike? Thanks!" he picks up one of his employee's keys and ran away. The others just stood confused as to why their boss is in a hurry.

Jungkook on the other hand was having a vague idea of what he will be coming face to face with, but still, he wanted to be wrong.

For the first time, he wanted to be proven wrong.

Starting the ignition, Jungkook zipped through the road, going where the red dot was taking him on the screen. His mind full of dread and his heartbeat could be heard in his ears. He has never been this anxious to know something he has been predicting all along.

Once the red dot slowed down near a familiar place, Jungkook stopped the bike on a distance and got off. Slowly covering the rest of the way on foot, he finally reached outside the house where she waited for someone to open the door. His heartbeat increasing every passing second.

When the door clicked, everything seemed to be in slow motion. It opened and came out the person he expected. As soon as he fully opened the door, she jumped on him and kissed him right on the lips.

Jungkook's breath got hitched and his hands balled into fists. 

Why am I angry? It's nothing I didn't expect.
All along I thought maybe, just a maybe, that they won't stoop so low.
He thought.

He held her in his arms and said something in her ear, to which she laughed.

And that's when Jungkook felt betrayal swallowing him whole.

He stayed crouched there, even when  they went inside, he stayed still. Unable to accept the fact that he just witnessed what he already had a thought of.

Expecting the unexpected is easier to perceive than expecting what you dread the most and then watch it come true right infront of your eyes.


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