CHAPTER-25 Let Me Know

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Everyone had their own plans with which they worked

Everyone unaware of the other's conspiracies.

They thought they were ahead in the game.

But only one could be first in the race.

And this race was ongoing.

Positions kept changing.

And right now......he was leading.

"Did you talk to her?" he asked.

"Yeah....she was reluctant to help but then this sweet heart helped me." she said, twirling the gun in her hands.

He scoffed before taunting her. "You don't even know how to use a gun."

"Well, she doesn't know that. I gave her as many pictures I could find." she smirked and straddled his lap.

"I don't even remember her name....What was it again?" he asked while gripping her ass.

"She is our daughter doofus!" she smacked his arm lightly.


She rolled her eyes.

"Sabina. Her name is Sabina Curtis."


"I went to meet Taehyung, like you said." he told her.

"What did you tell him?" she leans forward, wresting her chin in her palms.

"That he shouldn't try to find Robur."

"And he agreed?" she raised her eyebrows at him.

"Yep, I threatened him though."

"And how did you threaten him?" she asked, leaning back on her chair, eyeing him questioningly.

He smirked proudly.

"I told him I would hurt you."


"Jungkook please......I think we should tell Y/n."

"Tell her what?" Jungkook snapped at Taehyung.

"That we know where the company money is going. That we have been trying to catch that person!"

"You think she will believe us?" he challenged him.

"We have already hid so much from her! It's better sooner than later!"

"Your dad won't rest till this merge is destroyed! Why don't you understand that? And he isn't the only problem!"

"What do you mean he isn't the only problem?"

"There is this.....someone......fuck I forgot his was a funny name though....he is a gang leader of somewhere here. Y/n and I were looking because he had something to do with the rumors."

"And you were going to tell me this when?" he sneered.

"Y/n said she would tell you when she gets time! She didn't so why are you targeting me?!"

"What else do I need to know?"

"That one of his men came and told me to stop looking for him........He will come for me when he wants to meet."


"I know! But this is our last shot! We are out of options!"

"Arghhhhh" Jungkook swept everything off his desk in frustration and banged his hand on the table.

He was breathing hard, like a bull, his aggression getting to him.

"Jungkook?" Tae called softly. "We need to include Y/n before it is too late."

Jungkook nodded.

He knew that now the game is getting too out of hand. If he doesn't tell her and take her on the board, it will only complicate things more.

"I am going home.........''

Jungkook looked at Taehyung.

"And I will let her know everything."


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