CHAPTER-32 You Never Walk Alone {Final}

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*Third Person's POV*

*Three weeks later*

Y/n sat in the garden, all alone, looking over all the beautiful flowers there.

If she just, listened to him.

If she didn't let that childish anger take over her, he would have been here, by her side, there wouldn't have been any blood on her hands. 

Not that she was guilty of it.

She rather felt pleased after killing that bastard.

The contrast of the bright day changed to a grey hue, just like her life.

A few drops fell here and there, creating an uneven pattern on the pavement.

Soon the light drizzle turned into a heavy downpour. 

But she didn't move. She couldn't.

There was no energy left in her body.

Someone could punch her, kick her. She would let them.

She was done.

She was fucking done.

Why can't her life be normal for once?

Why can't she have what she really wants?

For just once?


The rain drops tracing her face in place of tears.

She was numb.

She was paralyzed.

Where are her feelings?

She no longer can feel things.

And she knows she should.

She was paralyzed.

She loved him.

He loved her.

But she didn't get the chance to tell him.

That's what is killing her from inside.

The constant 'ifs' in her mind making her feel even more worse than she already feels.

She can't change the fact that on that day.......she was the one who didn't listen.

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