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I made my way back to my cabin. 

Taehyung's touch still lingers on my lips. He has kissed me before but this time it was different because it was out of love. It feels nice to be loved but at the same time, it hurts when you don't love them like that.

'You don't have to say that back, I just wanted to get it off my chest.' he said. I blush at the thought. Ofcourse I like him. But this was not what I expected from him.

Oh I forgot, I left Jungkook in the room. But when I get back, he isn't here. I don't know why this happens. Almost all the time he is getting on my nerves but I feel sad when he goes away like this.
 I feel guilty.



*Jungkook's POV*

There she goes. Running to lover boy yet again.

I sigh. 

This is stupid. Why am I even trying to help her? She won't even care.

I glance at the direction in which they just went and think how Y/n would be explaining herself to him. I clench my fist at the thought and make my way back home.

If she doesn't want my help, then she won't get any help.

*Back at Home*

My mind was too much occupied by her thoughts because I didn't notice that the door was already open. Once I am in the living room I stop dead in my tracks when I see the person sitting on the couch, sipping wine. 

My skin turns pale and I am on the verge of passing out.

No way that he can be here. 

But the most important question is, why is he here?

"Oh my dear Jungkook, you are home." he gives a smile. Not a smile that holds warmth, but the one that was malevolent and cold. Almost a sneer.

"Dad. What are you doing here?" I couldn't control my shaky voice. I was scared of him, he is bad news.

"Can't I visit my son?"



I hissed because of the stinging sensation burnt in my cheek, a line of blood trickled down the corner of my lip.

"Have you forgotten your manners?!" he yelled at me. His deep voice echoing in the whole house. I kept quiet, fearing what else might anger him.

"That's like a good little dog." he cooed and petted my head. I hate his touch, I hate him.

"Now now Jungkook, sit down near my shoes, just like a good dog you are."

I followed what he told me to do and knelt down.
I knew how this will end. That's how it always ended even when I was a child as well.
No matter if I obeyed him or not, he will do what he always does.

"Tell me Jungkook, who is that slut  you were with at the party hm?" he raked his hands in my hair, tugging on them slightly.

How dare he call her a slut?!

"She is not a slut." I say calmly, though I wanted to rip his balls and shove them down his throat.

"Aw really? Then?"

Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now