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Why does this happen with me?


"Y/n? Hey listen to me. Y/n look here. Y/N!!"

I feel Jungkook calling my name. But his voices are muffled, only the voice of reporter is swimming in my head, bringing the memories of the past. Scratching the healed wound again, drawing the blood out.

I have gone through this once, now I am making Tae go through this as well. He will be ashamed of me. He will hate me.

Jungkook is trying to talk to me. He switched off the tv. But I am too shocked to move or react.

Th-they called me a slut?

Am I?

Am I a slut?

These were my last thoughts before I started losing consciousness and my body collapsed, unable to take the sudden news. But thank heavens I felt strong arms catch me before I could have cracked my skull on the marble floor.

"Hey Y/n, good to see you again."

"Good to see you too, Mr. Aldos." I say timidly.

"Something wrong? You seem sick." he asked, concern evident in his voice.

I didn't want to involve him in my problems, but this includes him too.

"Uh yes, there is something wrong, but I don't know if it is right of me to tell you."

"You are like my little sister, you can tell me anything." he smiled warmly.

"Did you hear the rumours?"

His smile faltered for a second but he smiled again, even though his eyes showed anger.

"Ofcourse I have heard....I am really sorry that you have to go through this. I have talked to the media to drop this bullshit, but......"

"No, I mean....I hope you aren't mad at me."

"Why would I? Just because I have decided to make you the new CEO, people think they can assume foolish things. But I know you, you are strong, and you WILL go through this. You have....what was his name again? Yeah Taehyung, an amazing friend who will believe in you always. Fuck it, I believe in you."

A tear escaped my eye. Someone believes me, so I won't let them down.

"I-I'll try to be strong."

"Atta girl!"


"Did you know she had sex with him?''

"I bet she just wanted the position."

"Ofcourse, she is such a whore."

"She isn't even beautiful, how did she get into his pants?"

"Hey Y/n! Suck my dick too! I'll pay you!"

"Hey! That's bad!"

"What? A slut DOES work for money right?"



Gold digger.


My eyes shot open and I sit back up. I am breathing heavily, it was too real. Wait, it is real. This is happening again. I look around, I am in Jungkook's room. Where is he?

Then I see through the gap under the bathroom door, light is on. Oh he is in there.

I take my phone to see that I am bombed with notifications.

First things first. I reply to Jimin's text first.

Diminie: Hey.......are you alright?
Diminie: Y/n? Are u there?
Diminie:  Sweety I know you are hurt but please talk to me.
Diminie: I am really worried Y/n.

Me: Sorry Jimin, didn't see your message. I am okay. Hurt obviously, but I'll manage. I just need some time.

As soon as I hit the send button, his reply came right away.

Diminie: I understand. Call me when you feel, okay? Stay strong hun. I love you.

My eyes glistened with tear. I want to go to Jimin.

Me: Okay. I love you too.

There were other notifications from twitter and Instagram. I was being tagged in posts and memes. Only few supported me but the rest just compared me to porn stars and sluts.

The phone was snatched away from my hands and put on the night stand.


"Don't look at those. They just need some crap."

I look at him.

"Jungkook?" my eyes start to water, my voice cracking and hands started shaking.

His eyes widened and he took his seat infront of me and held my hands.

"Hey hey hey, no don't cry. Please." his palm wiping the fresh tears that spilled from my eyes. I drop my head in his hands, it's too much for me to bear. I have worked so hard and to be accused of such things is making my self esteem go hella low.

"Y/n, baby stop crying please. I---oh."
I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my head in his chest. Without any delay, he holds me tightly close to him. His chin resting on my head, kissing my hair whenever a loud sob escaped my lips.

"Cry as much as you want. Let it all out." he spoke, stroking my back soothingly.

I want to feel numb. 

I want to feel......................anything, but not this.                                       

Not worthless.

Not cheap.

"Help me Jungkook......please.........I-I feel horrible, make me......make me feel wanted p-please......" my sobs got louder, hiccuping each word.
"Take this pain away please...........It's-It's too much........"

"Y/n........." he cupped my face. "What do you want me to do?"

And in that moment, I knew I will regret this. But life is too short to have regrets.

"Kiss me." I whispered.

He momentarily hesitated. His unsteady pupils showing his indecisiveness.

"Don't worry Jungkook, it's fake love......................."

He looked at me in confusion, so I continued.

"If it's fake love, it has to be sexual."


Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now