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*Jungkook's POV*

"Y/n!" I call out her name once I enter the house. How would she feel about all this? Will she hate me even more than she already does? Will she ever trust me again?

"Y/-- oh hey....." I start to call her again but then I see her coming on the top of the stairs and stare at me with dead eyes.

What happened?

"Are you alright?" I slowly walk towards the bottom of the stairs as she descends down in a weak motion.



I look at her confused. What does she mean? Wait wait wait........did she find out?

"I-um what?''

"You know daMN WELL WHAT JEON JUNGKOOK!" she yelled at me. A few tears trickled down her cheeks. She looked at me with pure hatred.

I officially fucked it up.

"Please, listen to me.... I can explain." I try to reason, she knows only half the side of the story.

"What more can you explain? Fucking my best friend?! Just so that you can take away all my plans and schemes?! SO THAT YOU CAN SCREW ME AND SHOW HOW YOU CAN FLICK ME OUT OF THE RACE? THAT'S WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO PROVE, DIDN'T YOU?''

"N-no it was never my intention......I- There is more to this Y/n...." I beg her, I reach forward for her but she steps back, away from me. 

She scoffs. "More? There is more?"

"I mean, more explanation.....Y/n please you have to listen to me please..." I hold her arms, which she lets me. But she isn't making any eye contact.

I really have hurt her.

"I asked Tae to help me.....because I suspected my father would be trying to destroy your company because mine was under yours....we thought there was someone from inside so...."

"No wait!" she got out of my grasp and shouted. "YOU BOTH WERE IN THIS?"



"I am sorry Y/n, I should have told you ea---"

"Damn right you should have! And you suspected? You couldn't have told me? Don't try to sell this bullshit , Jeon, because I AM NOT BUYING IT!"

And then I see her storm upstairs. I run behind her to stop her from making any stupid decisions. Shit shit shit, I have never felt this lost ever before. Here I have a vital information for her but I am also on the verge of losing her to the lies.

I am losing her.

I am losing myself.

"Y/n, pleasee listen to me at least!"

"No! Jungkook! I would have listened if you and your fuck buddy weren't going behind my back and making this twisted plan of yours!"

She grabbed her laptop and a pen drive and stuffed it in her backpack along with a few more of her necessities.

"Don't do this Y/n....I beg you please please please I promise to tell you everything."

Ignoring my requests she continued to move around, grabbing whatever she found and rushed back out.

I grabbed her hand but she pushed me harshly away.


Never did I expect I would cry for her, but here I was, tears in my eyes seeing her go.

When I am halfway at the staircase, I finally yell. "Choi is the mole!"

She froze and slowly turned around. "Don't expect me to believe anything that comes out of your mouth."

"Goodbye Kook."

She looked at me, one last time before moving out.

 And that look confirmed that I have lost her forever.

And I?

I was paralyzed.

Where are my feelings?

I can no longer feel things.

I am paralyzed.

I am lost.


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