CHAPTER-24 Dionysus

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I look towards the source of the voice to see a smiley face waving at me. "Hey Hoseok! How have you been?" I shook hands with him and smiled.

"I am good as usual! How are you?"

He literally reminds me of sunshine, the way he speaks and smiles, illuminates everything in the surroundings. "As good as I can ever be. What brings you here?"

"Oh Yoongi and I decided to go get a coffee, I had a meeting here so thought we'll go from here only."

Something in my mind clicks and everything started to make sense.

"Oh that's cool."

"Yeah. You waiting for Jk?"

"Yup, we have a date."

He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at me. "Just date or some action too?"

"Let's see what the luck gods have in mind." I smirk back.

But we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat from behind.

"Hey Kook, your wife here has been waiting for you since forever." he smacked the younger's head, making him whine.

"Hyung pleasee, not infront of her."

"Not sorry. Enjoy!" he shoved us forwards which made us scramble away.

"Where are you taking me?'' I ask once we had walked for a minute or two.

"Umm actually I just wanted to spend some time with you, so I don't have a place in mind."he scratched the back of his head nervously.

I smile widely at his flustered state and pinch his cheeks. "You are so cute." I squealed and wrapped my arm around his waist as his came around my shoulders.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" he asks me.

"Um let's go to the mall and wander here and there." I suggest.

"And then we'll order takeaway with a movie marathon?" he added excitedly like a small baby.


And then we set off for the nearest mall like two excited children.


"This one or this one."

"Jungoo they are both black." I say with a blank expression.

He looked at me with a horrified expression and fake gasped while clutching both the sweatshirts to his chest.

"How dare you?! This is black and this is a darker black!"

I face palm myself at his stupidness and walk over to him. "Neither. Come, let's take something other than black." I say in an authoritative tone and take his hand to go towards some more colorful clothing.

"Ooooooo you are being dominating." he teased in a high pitched voice. I widen my eyes and slam my hand on his lips.

"Can you say that any more louder? The people on the other side of the world didn't here you." I could feel people weirdly glancing at us. But then suddenly he licked my palm and bursted into a fit of giggles.

What the fuck is wrong with this coconut?!?!?!?!?!

I smirk and wipe my hand on his cheek and walk away from there before he can catch me and do something that would embarrass me even more.

Looking over my shoulder, I see him standing there with his hands in his pocket and a mischievous smirk plastered on his face.

That smirk meant one thing.

Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now