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*Signing Day*

"Y/n!" Jungkook calls me from the living room.

"What?" I ask him. I am currently enjoying a book in the balcony when this guy, who just doesn't like to see me relax calls me.

"Come here, the papers are ready!"

I sigh and move inside to sign the bloody papers and get it over with.

"You wanna read them first? I have already signed them though." he asked, still thinking I don't trust him.

"Nah I trust you."

He turned the papers towards me. "Here first." he pointed his long finger to the place where I had to sign. Without second thoughts, I inked my name on the paper, and repeated the same procedure on the next few pages.

"This is the last one." Jungkook said.


I am getting married.

"We are getting married." he corrects my thou---- what?

"Did I just say that out loud?"

"Uh yeah? Is something wrong?"

"No, it's umm........You do realise we are gonna be husband and wife, right?" I ask him.

"Yeah that's what getting married means."

"Oh uh yeah.....okay."

I sign the last paper.

The nib leaves the paper.

I am married.


"Congratulations wifey."

"Call me that one more time and I will divorce you." I threaten him with my pen.

He gets up chuckling and brushes his pants, cracks his neck and gathers the papers which lay sprawled on the coffee table. "I'll take them for further procedures."

"When will you be back?"

He stopped in his tracks, he partially turned around and tilted his head upwards as he thought of an answer. "Around 7 I guess? I don't know. Um yeah max 7." he nods before he looks back at me as he made a decision.

I scowl at him. "You know we have to go for signing, right?"

"Yeah that's at 8."

"And it's 1 right now, where will be going for that long?"

He scoffed rudely. "Y/n, you have been my wife for what? 2 minutes. And you already start acting like you are a real one. This marriage....." he moves his finger back and forth between us. " fake. It means nothing."

"Oh yes of course, you might have a girl to screw, by all means, go on." I motion towards the door.

He rolled his eyes and didn't forget to slam the door while moving out.

It's not that I want us to work or marry him, or anyone right now, but being reminded again and again that this is fake, makes me question if I am a burden on him. Staying in his house, making him go to a hotel to spend his night. I aggressively rub my face till it's numb. I am caught in an undertow, and it's frustrating.

To distract myself, I fish my hand from my pocket and text Lana.

Me: You gave Tae the docs, right? One of the pages was missing.

Choi: Oh? Which one, any idea?

Me: The transactions record.

Choi: Ah yes, it was there in the file, I remember putting it in.

Okay? It grew wings and flew away?

Me: Oh okay. He may have misplaced it. Try looking for it here and there.

Choi: Sure.

Next I text Jimin, it's been quite long since I have talked to him.

Me: Hey  Chimmyyyyyy

Diminie: Yoooo ssup?

Me: M good, work's a bitch

Diminie: Not bigger than you tho

Me: Ha ha ha. Look how hard I am laughing.

Diminie: Anyways, you never told me about the JinHit contract?


Me: Huh what do you think?

Diminie: OH MY GOD KIDDO I AM SO PROUD OF YOU! Wait....where mah party at?

Me: Lol I'll give u one once I come back.

Diminie: kay cool!

And just like that, 2 hours passed talking to him. 

It's been to much of this house, so I decided to go pay my dear workers a visit. Changing into black jeans and a casual white tee with a black coat, I apply some light makeup and pull my hair in a pony tail.

I take my purse and set off to my office.


"I need you to call Ms. Rola and Ms. Krishni and tell them that I need to fix a meeting with them asap. You call those Japanese investors who stayed and increase their interest rate, that will make them stick for a while more. You go to the CFO and ask him to mail me the revenue for past 3 months. And you, get me a coffee." I order the employees. Not gonna lie their faces were priceless when I turned up unexpectedly in the middle of the day. Yeah I forgot to call Lana but who cares. 

I divert my attention back to the laptop and start mailing some files to Jungkook. He said he needed the background of the company before I take it under my control. 

Suddenly a knock on the door startles me.

"Choi, come in."

"Ma'am, aren't you going to JinHit?"

"Yeah just gotta mail some files and I'll be done."

"I can do it if you want." she asked me with nervousness.

"Okay cool. Just don't mess up the order."

"Yeah I won't."

I got up and stretched my body before walking out of the room and towards the elevator.

I call Tae to remind him to be there on time while I unlock my car.

Now I gotta go and get ready.

There is a contract waiting to be signed.


"Yeah I just saw  her leave the office."

"Okay, I am on my way."


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