CHAPTER-28 Am I Wrong?

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I am lost.

Someone help me find a way.

My legs are just moving and taking me somewhere. I can't think.

I left my soul in that house.

I left Jungkook in that house.

Heartbreak hurts.

It hurts like a bitch.

Why did I think he would love me?

When no one does...why would he?

I no longer feel things.

I am dead inside.

Here I thought we were working together.

He was working....with Tae...

And Tae?


I lost everyone.

And maybe someone up there really loves to make my life a misery.

"ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS?!" I yell up at the sky. Standing alone at this empty street.

I hear footsteps behind me.

Kill me.




"Hey sweety...."

I let my tears flow and run into his arms.

"I am here for you....always, okay? Don't worry." he hugged me tightly, like he was afraid I will leave him.

"I am hurt Jimin......It hurts so much!" I scream in his chest, grabbing a handful of his tshirt and hold on to him.

"Shh shh baby, I know....Let's go home."

He picked me up and started walking towards his car.

When he started driving, I rolled down the window and leaned on my hands.

The cool air drying my tears, making my breathing even, making me relax.

Jimin kept my hand in his while driving with one hand, only leaving mine when he changed the gear.

"I love you Jimin."

He smiled at me sadly, his eyes glistening as well.

"I love you more sweetheart." he ruffled my hair and again focused on the road infront.

But one thing made me frown a bit. "How did you find me?"

He stuttered.

Is he lying too?

Are they all involved?

"Umm....he called me and told me what happened, so I came to look for you."


Jungkook called him.....

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