CHAPTER-23 Brand New Day

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"Is this Sabina Curtis?"

"Hi, uh yes it is. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I am Y/n. How are you?"

"I am good?"

"Great! I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

"Related to what?"


"I am sorry, you have the wron----"

"No I don't. It is perfectly the right number." she cuts her off. "I want to meet you. We need to talk."

"But I don't want to." Fear and annoyance evident in her voice.

"Tsk, too bad. I am already outside your door. Open up."

Disconnecting the call, Sabina slowly and stealthily walked towards the door and peeked through the peephole to see Y/n Y/l/n standing in an all black attire and a blood red lipstick was the only trace of makeup on her face. Her hair falling on her shoulders like a soft curtain, highlighting her striking features.

She looked dangerous.

Sabina felt intimidated by just her looks. 

Why does she want know about Robur? How did she find me? She thought.

"Sabina deary, I look better infront of the eyes rather than through a peephole. I don't bite, I just wanna talk." she raised her hands in surrender to show that she is harmless.

Sabina opened the door and looked at her with fear. Y/n observed her, she must be in her teens....max to max 16 as her body language was scared and submissive.

Her boot-cladded foot took a step towards her. "Hi Sabina, finally we meet." she passed her a smile and entered the house. It was a small apartment with lots of mementos, bean bags, jack box, a small television, a clean adjoined kitchen. It was a comfortable home, the one Y/n would love to live in.

"You have a pretty house."

"I am sure you aren't here to talk about my house.''

"Calm down baby, we have all the time in the world." She smirked and took a seat on the stool of the kitchen island. Sabina followed her and took a seat across her. "Let's start with the basic question." Sabina waited for her to ask. "How to you know Robur?"

She took a shaky breath. "He is a gang leader. I have heard about him in the news."

Y/n gave her a calm expression. Calm but surely murderous. "I really don't have time for this crap Curtis."

"Start speaking. And from the top." Y/n's said while playing with her hair.

"He is my father.''

And the her smile dropped. 

"Excuse my language little girl but..................What the fuck?!" she half-yelled.

She knew that she hit a jackpot.

"My mother was supposed to be his one night stand. But they weren't careful enough and had me. She was only 19 at that time, and he was quite older than her, maybe married, I am not sure, but anyways she didn't want to take my responsibilities but didn't want to kill me either. So Robur provided this home for me and a nanny to take care. She died last year, so I have been living on my own."

Y/n was in too much shock. This girl, whose life started with so much drama, how could she have a stable mind. "Mind if I ask how old are you?"


"Oh god. Can you possibly give me anymore information on him?"

"I have never seen either one of them.....she has been his mistress since then.''

"Viper? Is that your mom?"

She nodded.

"Can I help you anyhow?"

"No it's alright. I take it you are trying to catch him?" her soft voice, barely over a whisper, reached Y/n's ear.

"Yes, kind of."

"Then that's all the help I need."

"Do you have some pictures of them? Maybe I can take a look?" she asked hopefully.

"I might have but they must be in Ms. Black's, my nanny? Her belongings. I would have to look for it though."

"It would be a big lead."

But Y/n's phone ringing cut the conversation. "Excuse me for a minute......Hey Kook."

"Where are you?"


"Really? Because I see you roaming in our home and that's why I called you."

She smiled at his humour and answered. "Just relaxing, passing some time. Why?"

"Can you stop by my office? I wanna take you somewhere."

Her cheeks tinted a bit red. "Is it a date, Mr. Jeon?"

"Yes, Mrs. Jeon. Come soon, I'll be waiting."

"Okay bun, bye."

She turned to Sabina and smiled. "I'll come by in two days. Can you find those pictures till then?"

"Of course. But how did you find me?" she smiled for the first time in one year.

"You know how." 

"You knew?" she fiddled with her fingers.


"He did it once only, if you are thinking he raped me more than once."

"It doesn't make it any less worse sweety." Y/n's eyes softened as she hugged her and surprisingly Sabina hugged her back.

"Thanks, stay safe." the girl told her.

"You too kiddo."

All her way to Jungkook's office, she couldn't imagine what the little girl has been through. And it made her think. 

Viper was young too when this happened. Maybe Robur had a soft spot for Viper, that's why he agreed to this.

Fuck Robur, I need to find Viper first.


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