CHAPTER-20 I'm Fine

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Deep frying my brain for 6 hours straight, I go through all the information I could gather on Robur, which, now that I look at, is nothing.

#1 He is a gang leader of Black Mamba.
#2 He wants something from me. (possibly money)
#3 Not many people have seen him. Those who have, have died or are living in hiding.
#4 He lives in Busan.
#5 He has his shares invested in many big companies.
#6 Involved in prostitution and murder.
#7 Robur- strength in Latin.
#8 Is known to extract money from big firms with inside connections.
#9 Has a mistress, named Viper (not real name.)

Windshield wiper?
What is with this guy and these weird ass names?

I stretch my body and take a look at the clock.

5:30 a.m.

Should I sleep so that I can wake up in the evening and then pull an all nighter and let the vicious cycle continue?

Or should I just 'fuck it' and stay awake for another 12 hours and deteriorate my health and die soon?

Yeah who even wants to live? Lets just fuck it and take a long hot bath.

Once the bath relaxes me and I change into a cropped tank top and shorts. I plop down on my bed and scroll through the latest news, that is, me.

I can't believe I was crying at all this. Such bullshit. I am almost at the verge of laughing my ass out on all the negative comments.

I open my messages and see that Lana has pinged me 16 times last night.


Opening her  chat I start to read from the top.

I roll my eyes when I see 10 of them are just 'Y/n?'.

Choi: I received a mail from JinHit.
Choi: They are saying they need you to clear out the news or else it would be harmful for the deal.
Choi: Saying that they will nullify it.
Choi: I have already arranged a press conference tomorrow at 11:00.
Choi: I'll text you the address.



I don't wanna goooooooooo!

I'll kill this smart ass.

I still have a few hours though, let's just make some coffee and get ready for handling all the bullshit.

Peacefully sitting on the couch, I let my brain wander to how my life has turned into a total mess. If I apologize to Jimin and Tae, they'll understand.......but.....will we get back to how it all used to be?

I don't think so.

I heard shuffling from the staircase and see a sleepy Jungkook making his way downstairs.

He stopped as he looked at me with half open eyes. He shrugged and made his way towards where I was sitting before laying beside me,  putting his head on my lap and wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"And good morning to you too." I chuckle while caressing his hair.

He hums loudly and looks up at me. "Are you feeling good?'' he mumbles. I nod my head.

He nods his head as well and goes back to cuddling my waist.

We stayed like that for quite a long time. I had finished my coffee and placed the mug on the table and continued to stroke his hair.

"Why are you up so early?" he asks, his voice muffled.

"Choi arranged a press conference for me, to clear out the rumours." my heartbeat increased a bit, I was nervous.

"Are you nervous?''

How the fuck?

"Y-yeah a bit."

And then I suddenly feel soft kisses on my stomach.

"Jungkook? What are you doing?"

He innocently looks up at me, his eyes big and round and his lips parted. "Making you relax."

I don't know what happened but the next thing I knew was that I was under him as he came above me. His one hand resting on the arm rest of the couch and other on my bare waist. 

He gazed deeply into my eyes before slowly leaning down and attaching his lips on mine softly.

I reciprocated the kiss with equal gentleness, my hands resting on his chest. Our lips moving in sync.

He bit my lower lip slightly, asking for permission to enter to which I open my mouth. He tilts his head and deepens the kiss. Our tongues entangled with each other as our minds traveled to another dimension of nothingness but only the two of us. 

My hands move up in his hair, gently playing with them which made him sigh into the kiss.

The earlier nervousness is gone. I can feel nothing except the softness of his lips, the smoothness of his tongue and the way he is handling me like a gentle piece of art.

I realised, he isn't putting his weight on me and supporting himself with one hand. To ease him, I switch our positions so that he is beneath me and I am straddling his lap.

His eyes widen at the sudden movement but I didn't give him time to register and press my lips back on him. 
He giggles while kissing, making me smile too. He grips my ass and pulls me higher on his abdomen. "Sorry, wouldn't be able to control with you sitting on my crotch."

I rest my head on his chest while laughing at his cuteness. He wraps his arms around me, engulfing me into a bear hug.

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asks while making mindless patterns on my lower back.

"No, it's okay.....looks like it's time to tell everyone about our marriage?"

"Ummm I guess so......are you ready? Because it will be harder for you."

"Yeah I know, but to be honest?"

"Hm hm?"

"I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck anymore. They really pushed me past my breaking point and now fuckery like this doesn't affect me."

He kissed my head before speaking. 

"There is no extent of someone's breaking point. You know why? Because some days they will attack something you care for. Then you will find something else that you care for more. Then the attackers will aim for it. You keep having changes and new priorities and new people, who you care for. Your breaking point will keep changing. When I was a child, my breaking point was when my father use to torture me, even till that day he came. But I have you and my hyungs to care about more, so I don't care if I am hurt till you all are safe. So my breaking point isn't him torturing me anymore."

I let his words sink in. 

We both are broken in different ways.

Both of us trying to mend each other.

"They didn't push you past your breaking point Y/n.........

".......You grew strong enough to handle the fuckery."


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