CHAPTER-21 Shadow

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They think they broke me.

They think they got through me.

I wait outside the doors of the conference hall.

Lana said they are getting ready and I should wait 10 more minutes.


Did they wait when they got the picture?

Did they wait before calling me a slut?


They fucking didn't.

Pushing the door open, I walk inside. People scrambling here and there to get the last moment arrangements done faster.

I take my place on the podium, with a steel gaze, hooded eyes and straight face.

The ice queen is back bitches.

Hit me with your best shot.

Let's see if you can penetrate the ice.

Let's see......if you can handle me.

The real me.

"Questions?" I ask coldly.

The room is silent. Everyone stopped doing there work.
For a change, the reporters were stunned and quiet.

"I am assuming that you guys are either dumb or deaf."

Then a petite looking female raised her hand.

"Well, not deaf at least." I nod at her to go on.

"What do you have to say-----"

"And certainly not dumb." I eye her down,her,  getting uncomfortable by my look."My apologies, go on little lamb."

"What do you have to say  on the rumour about you and Kim Taehyung?"

"Nothing, to be honest. But the fucking press won't stop bothering me and my friend until I say something. So here I am, wasting my time with you great thundering pea-brained people."

They all look intimidated.


Very very good.

"Do you know what a human is? A human is  a bipedal primate mammal. Let me say it in simple words. Us, all of us are humans. At least I am." I shrug and pause to make eye contact with each and every one in the room before continuing. 

"I will only say that Kim Taehyung is an excellent person, a very hardworking one as well. To wake up one day and see these baseless rumours spread is surely not an ideal morning."

"But ma'am you were seen kissing. Don't you think it isn't baseless?"

Aw, we got a little challenger, huh?

"Honey, I don't know where it is given that you can only kiss someone because you want something from them. Don't you think that it is quite a primitive thinking you have?"

He sank back into the seat, a few snickers heard from across the room.

"Then what is the relation between you and him? He also had a rumour that he is gay." another guy asked.

"I think the world has much more to worry about gay people and a CEO and COO having a relation. Next?"

I raise my eyebrow.

Come on fuckers. 

Fire away.

"You were also seen with Jeon Jungkook, since he is a big competitor of your company, why did you pick him as your date?" a woman, in her middle age asked.

You want a piece of me?

Let's see if you can handle this piece of me.

"We are married."

The room filled up with gasps and random questions from everywhere.

Why should I answer them?

I brought my finger to my lips  to shut them up.

Which they did.

Power, bitch.

"I am an independent woman who has brought this company to where it is now. I make my own decisions. With whom I am having a relation or whom I am going out with is none.....I repeat, none of your business. You want to challenge me? I can sue all of your news agencies and you all can kiss my ass. Why? Because I have my right to privacy and this picture was made viral without referring to me or Mr. Kim."

I put a fake smile on my face. The one which can easily be told is fake.

"Now I'll leave because I have a life, and I suggest all of you to go get one as well."

I climb down the podium and start walking towards the exit, ignoring the questions being shot at me.

Lana shuffles behind me, calling my name.

"Y/n, the time isn't over yet, and they haven't got there questions answer yet." she huffed.

I smirk at her.

"See if I care."


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