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*Third Person's POV*

"Really? You last had a pizza one year ago?!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Yeah, how do you think this sexy body is maintained?" he smirked.

"Dude pizza is life, pizza is holy, okay?"


"I am gonna have you eat a pizza this year."

"Make me."

"Oh baby I will." she points a finger at him and goes back to watching the TV. "And hey, Tae is coming today....he um, wanted to show me something." 

Jungkook looks at her with knowing expression before speaking. "Ah okay, by the way, my friend is coming as well, the one I told you about."

"Okay, we'll be in my room anyways.'' she shrugged. "But wait, childhood friend? You guys still talk?"

"Absolutely, actually it's seven of us, we don't meet up quite often but we are still going strong."

"Wow, that must be so cool. I didn't even have any friends."

"Yeah, have you met you? Ofcourse you didn't." they both laughed. Since after that night, something has changed between them, they have become closer and more comfortable with each other.

"Tell me more...." she said, now ignoring the TV.

"Well, we guys met as our fathers were partners, you know, business shit and all, except one of them, who joined us 5-6 years back. We all are pretty close, like brothers." a smile forming on his lips while thinking of his hyungs.

"You seem pretty close. Brothers? All boys?"

"Yeah, kinda a gang, I practically grew up with them." he joked while showing her finger guns, making her giggle.

"I won't believe if you said none of you have done some freaky shit."

"Duh, we have, I mean, me and one of us totally have. You see, I am very open to sex and stuff."

Y/n leaned forward, now paying full attention. "Oh yes?''

"Yes, so me and that guy used to experiment a lot of BDSM things which made us have sex on occasional times. All pleasure, no feelings." he proudly said.

"No way! You had sex with a guy?!" Y/n said with a huge smile, finding it a bit funny and astonishing.

"Yep baby but he said he has feelings for some girl so we stopped." he said. "Infact you might know many of them....there's Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Yo-----Oh I just remembered, I have to complete my canvas." he stood up, walking to the balcony, where that big piece of incomplete art is standing. 

Y/n rolled her eyes at his abruptness. 

No wonder Jin greeted him so warmly that day. She thought.

Outside, Jungkook wore his apron to avoid his clothes getting dirty and plastic sheet coverings on his beautiful feet and started working on his art.

Inside, Y/n set up a marvel movie marathon to pass her time till Tae comes.



Ding Dong.

I stood up to see who has arrived only to be greeted by Taehyung.



This is awkward and I don't even know why.

"Umm come on in."

I close the door and turn around to see Jungkook waddling in from the balcony and stopping as he sees the both of us.

Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now