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Why did I?

More like when did I?

"What are you saying? Why would I even do that?" My body felt it was numb. My insides were a churning mess. Whatever was happening was making me feel powerless and weak. I no longer had control over the things. Everything is slipping out from my grasp.

"You tell me, why. would. you. do. that?" he gritted through his teeth. His nostrils flaring up as he tried to maintain his calm.

"No Tae, I would never do that! Who told you? Where did you hear all this?"

"Everyone in the office is talking about it, but you would know if you ever stepped out of your husband's home."

I was taken aback.

"That is a low blow Taehyung. I have been working my ass off okay? And you are my best friend! Someone is trying to set me up!" I whisper yell. My eyes roaming around making sure that no one eavesdrops.

Taehyung looked down on the floor then back up at me. And I could swear on my life I have never seen him looking so broken but angry at the same time.

 And I could swear on my life I have never seen him looking so broken but angry at the same time

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"Y/n who are you kidding? You and I are the only ones who know about this."

"You have to trust me, please. I swear I di---"

"I don't think I can trust you anymore." he slowly backed away, his eyes showing sadness more than his words and expressions. He blinks away the tears and leaves the party. 

I am left speechless with a whirlwind of thoughts in my mind. My eyes start to fill up. I skimmed past the people and into the washrooms. I closed the cubicle and lean on the door. Silently, all the tears start to flow out, my frustration and fear getting to me, slowly creeping up and swallowing me. I stay there, trying to calm my nerves. 

Once I have let it all out I wipe my face and move towards the sink. Removing the mascara that now tattooed my face and when I am satisfied I don't look like a meerkat I open the door when I come face to face with Jungkook. Standing with his arms crossed, right across the door.

"What happened?" he softly asked, coming towards me slowly.

"N-nothing." I try to sound normal.

But obviously he didn't believe me and scoffed. "I could hear your sniffles inside. And I also saw you talking to Taehyung. Did he hurt you?"

"Drop the act Jungkook, the camera's not here." I attempt to walk past him but he grabs my arms and pins me on the wall.

"I am not acting Y/n, I do care for you." he intensely stared in my eyes. I wanted to look away, I wanted to pretend I was okay. But he wasn't letting me do either of them.

"Let's go home, we'll talk there."


I explain it to him what all Tae told me and he listened to everything carefully. When I finished, he took a breath in before speaking. "You sure only you two knew about this?"

"Yeah, I mean you and my brother knew but he won't do it. You on the other hand." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Whoa whoa whoa." he raises his hands in surrender. "I am trying to help you here, and why would I even do that? I am not a kid."

I glance around the room, trying to distract myself. This is a dead end, I don't even know from where to start.

"Say what, you rest, go to the office tomorrow and try getting information out. You are a tough girl." he pats my back, making me smile a bit.

"Okay, goodnight."

"Goodnight." he warmly smiled.


*Third Person's POV*

As soon she was out of his sight and he was sure Y/n was in her bedroom, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

After three rings, someone picked up the phone.

"Is she okay?"

"She will be."

"Hmm, so should I continue with the plan?"

"Yes, go on my pet." he smirked.

"Okay daddy."


Fake It To Make It [jjk X reader]Where stories live. Discover now