CHAPTER-14 21st Century Girl

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That day, Jungkook was checked up by the doctor. Thankfully, there were no broken bones or concussions, just bruising here and there and cuts, for which he was prescribed some painkillers and other medicines. But yeah Jungkook was drenched with sweat as the doctor had to press on certain areas to check for cracked bones which made him scream in pain.

I showed the doctor his way out and returned to him.

" want something?"

"Water?'' his voice came out parched.

I filled a glass and helped him drink it, but my eyes helplessly traveled to the water dripping from the side and down to his Adam's apple, which moved when he took a gulp. That same lucky droplet traveled to his chiseled chest and then merged with other sweat beads.

Oh god, it's getting harder to control myself around him.

I let him rest for a while as I moved into my room and towards the bathroom. My breathing ragged. For the past few days, Jungkook has been taking up a lot of my mind. And let me assure you that none of them thoughts are pure. No, I don't love him, I don't hate him either. It's just....something.....that attracts me towards him. And till I don't know what these feelings are, it's safe to say that I crave him. 

It's all lust right now.

I remove my shorts and panties and slip in the bathtub. Fuck you Jeon Jungkook, look where I stand because of you. I take the hand shower and put it on the medium flow setting. The cold water hits my inner thighs and I jerk a bit due to the sudden change in temperature. 

I take my fingers and start massaging my clit, closing my eyes and  thinking of my hands as Jungkook's big veiny ones.
Oh god, how weird is it? Getting turned on by just the thought of his hands.

I adjusted the shower head near my bud, making me emit a soft moan. I imagine Jungkook caressing my core, his long fingers rubbing circles and pleasuring me like no one else has. Slowly, I insert my index finger and moan. While moving my finger, I think of how Jungkook looked at me, his darkened gaze, his smirk, turning me on. The pressure from the water and my finger making me experience a euphoric moment. I started moving faster and inserted a second finger as well. My moans were loud and echoed in the bathroom. Since I have already seen Jungkook's dick, I knew he was pretty big, so I gradually added a third finger.
I throw my head backwards, my hole paining from stretching a bit but soon the pleasure started to take over.

"Ahh fuck, Jungkook mmmmm yeahh." my imagination too vivid for my liking. I could feel him here, fingering me deep into my core.

With one click I increased the pressure of water, making me moan louder and squirm.

Speeding up my pace, I start to feel a knot forming in my stomach, my climax nearing me. "Shit Jk....ahhhh mmmmmmmngghhh ughhh ....."

And then I came heavily, on my own hands. My chest rapidly rising and falling, my T shirt wet from the  water and my head spinning.

"I don't know how much I can control myself, Jungkook."


*Few Days Later*

"Wait a motherfreaking second!"

I know why he is yelling, I totally forgot that I---

"Did you finish my banana milk?"

Hello Satan, I coming to see you soon.

"Jungkook, let's not act like kids, hm? You are still injured." I gulp as I see him slowly moving towards me, like a predator.

"You think you can get away with it? You know I can imagine you, drinking the last heavenly drop of the milk, my milk." he sneered.

H-his mi-milk? That sounds awfully..........wrong.

My face turned a shade of crimson. Damn my unholy brain and this sexy man.

But weirdly, he stopped, he didn't continue to come towards me. He just....stood there and...............smirked?

"Are you making something else out of what I just said?" he teased me, pronouncing each and every word slowly.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Jk." I try to give him a cocky smile but what can I do when he is just so right.

"You sure it's my mind that is in the gutter Ms. Y/---oh no, Mrs. Jeon?"

He walked towards me, his injuries being healed a bit. His presence was intimidating and the fact that I was always horny these days made it even more tempting.
I backed away from him, with each step he took forward, I took one back. Until I was stopped by a damned wall but the his legs didn't stop.

His hands came on my shoulders and he slowly and softly slid them down to my hands. The feather like touch made me feel funny in the stomach and caused goosebumps stand on my skin.

"Aw my baby girl, so vulnerable to my touch, huh?" he cooed.

"What are yo---"

"Shhhhhh" he placed a finger on my lips. "I wanna ask you something......." his lips started leaving soft kisses on my cheek and jaw. I pursed my lips. Trying not to make any sound. I simply nodded because if I opened my mouth, a string of moans and whimpers would escape."Tell me Y/n......" he started peppering my neck with kisses and his one hand on the other side of my face, caressing it. "Do you imagine these fingers........inside of you when you pleasure yourself?"

Lemme just book a room in hell.

"You are so loud sweetheart, I couldn't help but hear those beautiful voices of yours........" his hands went to my waist, pushing me more into the wall and he put his weight on me.

"J-jungkook........" I put my hands on his chest in attempt to push him away but my body said otherwise.

"I was so turned on by you calling out my you know how much I wanted to help you?" he his lips hovered over mine. 

Just kiss me and take me Jungkook.

He leaned forward and his lips were going to meet mi-------


Ab fucking solutely perfect.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance and pushed it into his cheek. Wordlessly, he backed away a little. Just a little. And picked up the phone.

"Until it's the end of the world, you better have a bloody good reason to call me." he spat in the phone.

But something changed in his eyes when the person on the other line said something. He looked at me, with fiery but worried eyes and disconnected the phone.

Without saying anything, he went to grab the remote and turned on a news channel.

And there  you stood expecting there would be something about the company or the alliance but boy,  you were so wrong.

What the reporter spoke made your mind and soul shatter into pieces.

"Y/n Y/l/n and Kim Taehyung spotted kissing in their company building. Earlier rumors had it that she is dating Jeon Jungkook, CEO of Golden Closet but these pictures suggest something else. Some co-workers have also suggested that she used him to satisfy her needs and in return made him the COO of the company. A lot of slut shaming is being done towards her ........................."

My needs?




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