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 ♫ dumb litty - kard 

we don't worry 'bout the drama no, body everybody until the morning we'll be wilding up.

yeosang was sleeping peacefully in his bed, he slept early because the next day, it'd be the first day of school and he couldn't wait to see his bright students, he couldn't wait to see them and ask what they've done during summer, it was a bit tiring but seeing them happy made yeosang happy. 

however, his beauty sleep was disrupted by the sound of his phone ringing, he could barely open his eyes as he answered it "h-hello?" he says in a groggy voice, who would think to call at an odd hour, it couldn't be his friends from the school since they've most likely slept early too 

"sangie!" this makes yeosang sigh, how did he not know that it's seonghwa, who else would call him at this hour "yes hyung?" yeosang was already starting to get up, knowing the reason as to why his roommate is calling him 

"can sangie come pick me up, please." seonghwa hiccups through the phone, yeosang puts on his shoes and a hoodie over his pajamas before getting back to seonghwa's call 

"where are you?" he hears the faint sound of music in the background and he knew seonghwa was at a club and there is only one club he goes to "don't move, i'm coming." 

although his eyes were threatening to close, yeosang kept his composure as he drove to where seonghwa is, it wasn't that far, maybe a 20 minute drive but at this hour, it felt so far.

he immediately spots seonghwa leaning against the wall, drunkenly making out with a girl who yeosang assumes was going to be one of his many one night stands, he puts the car on neutral as he gets out 

"hyung, i'm here, come on, let's get you home." he pulls him away from the girl whose interest immediately turned to yeosang "oh hi cutie, i've never seen you around before." she tries to flirt but yeosang was far too busy trying to get his hyung to cooperate with him 

"flattered but you're not my type, so please excuse me," he says quickly, groaning when seonghwa just puts all his weight on him "i can't believe you're a year older than me." he complains as he drags him to the car, careful that he doesn't accidentally bump seonghwa's head on the door 

"okay, we're going home now, please tell me if you're feeling sick." he tells seonghwa even though he knew the older was too drunk to comprehend what he is saying, yeosang runs to the other side of the car.

thankfully, seonghwa stayed incapacitated the whole car ride, yeosang didn't need to hear any whining from him, he finally parks the car in outside their apartment building and he unbuckles seonghwa from his seatbelt, he sighs because it was going to be a pain to take him upstairs 

"hyung, can you wake up for me please?" yeosang lightly slaps his cheek, wishing that he would wake up just for a moment but he didn't get a response from him and yeosang almost cries.

his beauty sleep was disturbed, the first day of class starts in a few hours and it would take him forever to haul seonghwa upstairs but he didn't have much of a choice so he crouches down, twisting his body to take hold of seonghwa's arms and pulling him, flush against his back, yeosang groans at his body weight before standing up slowly because he was fearful that his spine will snap, he kicks the car door close and with his other hand, presses the lock button on his car keys.

getting inside wasn't a challenge but going up the stairs will be, he sighs, hoisting up seonghwa when he felt that the older was slipping out of his grip

"please just stay asleep." yeosang prays before he starts to go up the first flight of stairs, these were one of the times that he regrets staying at the 3rd floor.

by the time they got to their front door, yeosang was breathless but he just reminds himself that he's only going to suffer for just a few more seconds.

when he unlocks the door, that's when he felt seonghwa wake up "yeo, feel like throwing up," yeosang panics and he waddles to their bathroom but it was too late when he feels the warm, chucky vomit flow down his neck and over his chest, it even splattered on the tiled-bathroom floors 

"seonghwa hyung! you disgusting child! why couldn't you just hold it in!" he scolds but seonghwa just giggles like a child and yeosang sets him down the toilet as he takes off his hoodie that had vomit on it, gagging at the smell of alcohol and he throws it on to the sink and ran it under the water 

"you're a mess yeosangie." seonghwa teases, his eyes were closed but he had a dopey smile on his face "well, it's your fault hyung," yeosang takes out a wet-wipe from the cupboard and he wiped away the gunk that had gotten on his neck, cringing at the thought of vomit on his skin 

"you know i have work tomorrow." yeosang mumbles, throwing away the used wipe and taking a new one so he can wipe off the remnants on seonghwa's mouth and chin "i'll get you to bed," he helps him get out of the bathroom, sighing at the thought that he still needs to clean the bathroom.

"okay, do you need help changing or do you wan-" he turns from seonghwa's closet and the older was already knocked out cold in his bed 

"sleep in your clothes then." he puts the pajamas back where they came from and he covers him with the comforter 

"sleep tight hyung." he leaves his hyung's bedroom and proceeded to the bathroom to clean up the mess before he can go back to sleep.


seonghwa woke up with a pounding headache, the sunlight had seeped through his curtains and straight to his face, he looks at the clock and it was around 6:30 in the morning. 

he didn't even know how he got home or who brought him home because it can't be any of his work friends because they fucking ditched him, he turns to his side and covered his face with a pillow to block out the sun "hyung, good morning." he hears yeosang's voice as well as the door opening 

"i'm heading to work in a bit but i made you breakfast and i have some pain killers." seonghwa peeks at him and yeosang was carrying a tray of food and drinks, settling it on his desk next to his bed 

"thank you." seonghwa's voice came out muffled due to the pillow "it's no problem." yeosang closes the curtains and he pulls away the pillow from seonghwa's face "you still owe me." yeosang deadpans and seonghwa furrows his brows 

"what for?" he questions the younger "well, you called me at 2 in the morning, i had to pick you up, haul your ass upstairs and like the cherry on a sundae, you puked all over me." yeosang explains and seonghwa groans, he tries to pull yeosang into a hug but the younger puts a hand up 

"no hugs until you make it up to me, as of now, i dislike you." yeosang announces, standing up and straightening his clothes "how would you rate?" yeosang asks seonghwa as he spins around, showing him his pink and teal sweater, seonghwa hums as he studies the younger's outfit 

"you even curled your hair, are you trying to look good for someone?" seonghwa teases, reaching out for the glass of water "i'm not! i wanted to look cute for myself." yeosang defends, crossing his arms over his chest and tapping his foot on the floor 

"well, you're like a 8/10." yeosang gasps, taking a pillow from seonghwa's bed and hitting him with it "i believe that i am a 10/10!" he looks at himself in the mirror, cupping his face and doing some cute faces to himself 

"yeosang, i'm the only 10 in this household." yeosang just rolls his eyes "well, i have to get going, don't forget to take those pain killers and you have a scheduled meeting about a shoot with jungkook hyung." seonghwa groans, he completely forgot about that 

"i forgot that was today, what time is it again?" he asks yeosang who was putting on lip balm in front of the mirror 

"at 10:30, he called last night just after you left, telling me to remind you, well, goodbye now, i'm going to work." he waves at seonghwa before rushing out of the door to start his day, crossing his fingers that it'll go well.

[a/n: i had a snack and decided to start this, please comment below your thoughts, i love to read them!]

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