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don't wanna cry - seventeen

come back, my other half isn't here so how can i live as one?❞

yunho loves seonghwa, he really does but the fact that he had been staying at his place for the past 3 days has been getting on his nerves 

"so, hyung, i like having you here but can you please go home." yunho pleaded as he puts down his cup of tea on the coffee table, seonghwa didn't give him attention, his eyes were set on the video game he was playing on yunho's t.v.

the younger knew that seonghwa was probably in shock at the fact that he is a parent now but he shouldn't just run away from it, not to mention the fact that yeosang has been calling yunho to check up on seonghwa, he kept letting him know that if seonghwa comes home, he won't be mad but yunho knows that deep down yeosang is hurt.

yunho was still trying to talk some sense into seonghwa but a knock on the door makes him stand up, he wasn't expecting anyone to come over so it must be a delivery for a package he had ordered, he doesn't bother looking at the peephole and opens the door and to his surprise, it was yeosang, along with hansoo 

"yeosang, come in." yunho moves aside and yeosang takes off his jacket, hansoo does the same and gives it to yeosang and he hangs it up on yunho's rack

"is he in here?" yunho nods and he looks down at hansoo who's eyes were scanning the room 

"he really looks like him," yunho whispers and yeosang nods in agreement

"seonghwa, i know you're in here." yeosang wasn't having it, he needed to come home and if it means dragging him out by hair out of yunho's apartment then so be it 

"hansoo, why don't you ask yunho-ssi for a snack while i go get your daddy." yunho giggles in delight, he likes spending time with children, hence why he used to babysit on the side during college

"o-okay hyung." hansoo was a little timid but when yunho lifts him up he seemed to have relaxed 

"cotton candy?" he babbles as he tugs on yunho's blue hair "yes baby, that's cotton candy." yeosang smiles at him before they were off to the kitchen and the smile on yeosang's face was replaced with a scowl as he followed the sound of video games.

with his hands both planted on his hips, he blocks the t.v from seonghwa's vision

"yeosang, move, i'm playing." seonghwa mutters but yeosang shakes his head 

"no." he says firmly and seonghwa rolls his eyes, dropping the controller and looking up at an angry yeosang 

"what do you want?" the younger felt taken aback but he raises a brow "what do i want?" he puts a hand over his chest as he stared seonghwa down 

"i want you to come home, i need your help in raising your son." he emphasized his words, he just wanted to get through seonghwa's mind at the moment

"yeosang, i can't," seonghwa tries to avoid his gaze 

"seonghwa, please," the sound of exhaustion was evident, even if yeosang wanted to do it by himself, he can't force himself to, he was still balancing his time management with being a parent to hansoo as well as being a teacher.

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