◀twenty six▶

714 62 21

spring day - bts

❝until the spring comes again, until the flowers bloom again, stay there a little longer.❞

hansoo was practically bouncing, filled with joy as they made their way to the park, it was the first few days of spring.

it was just perfect to be outside as the cherry blossoms brightened up the atmosphere but the trip to the park wasn't the only thing hansoo was excited about.

he was excited to see byulyi, he hadn't seen her ever since school started and he managed to use the puppy dog eyes method towards his parents so they can arrange a play date.

when he sees her, he immediately slips away from his fathers' grip as he runs toward her, he had a wide smile on his face and when he went to hug her, he had tackled her so hard that they both roll around on the lush green grass that had some pink petals scattered down 

"hannie!" byulyi breathes out in fits of giggles before being helped up by seonghwa "hansoo, please be careful." he scolds as he stands them up 

"it's okay seonghwa oppa." byulyi says before taking hansoo's hand in hers and dragging him to the playground nearby, laughter leaving their mouths as they climbed up one of pirate ship slides where there were little rooms inside, away from their guardian's eyes 

"byul, hannie has something to tell you." hansoo says in a small voice, their small hands were still clasped together 

"you'll always be hannie's friend, right?" byulyi smiles as she nods "forever?" he lifts his pinky finger up from his free hand and she wrapped hers around his, sealing the deal "byulie," he calls her attention again 

"i think-" he remembers talking to his papa about the fuzzy feeling he has in his tummy whenever he's with byulyi, how much he just wanted to be around her because it's always his happiest moment when they share stuff together 

"papa said i might have a crush on you?" their pinkies were still linked together as they get out of the little cubby, making their way to the slides 

"oh like those girls have crushes on tv?" hansoo shrugs but also nods "i think so," he mumbles, letting byulyi have a turn on the slide first 

"hannie likes me?" she calls out when she got to the bottom "uh huh!" hansoo answers, sliding down as well 

"you should give me kissy then!" byulyi says, its something she's always seen her uncle san do to her uncle wooyoung and they love each other so she figures her and hansoo should kiss too 

"where?" hansoo was still sitting on the edge of the slide while byulyi was standing up 

"sannie oppa always kisses youngie on the lips," hansoo nods, he was looking up at byulyi and he juts his lips out, byulyi leans over, giving him a short and sweet kiss before they laughed.

"what the fuck just happened?" san says, jaw on the floor as he sees his niece kiss his friend's son 

"hansoo got game, he must have got that from seonghwa hyung," wooyoung jokes while their eyes followed the two kids running towards the swings "your son," san pauses, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth 

"does your son like my niece?" he turns to yeosang and seonghwa who were just as surprised as him "it's just puppy love, san." yeosang knew how protective san is over his niece so he was a tad scared that he might get mad 

"your son kissed my niece, it's not just puppy love." wooyoung hushes him, telling him that they were kids and still getting to know their feelings, crushes were normal at that age but san wasn't having it 

"hansoo is sweet but what if he," he looks over at seonghwa who wasn't really paying attention and yeosang got the message which was kind of a stab at his heart 

"san, don't." he says through gritted teeth "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." this statement catches seonghwa's attention "what is that supposed to mean, san?" wooyoung and yeosang both sigh 

"fucking stop it already, san, i know he's hurt yeosang before and he was quite of a fuckboy but for fuck sake let it go." wooyoung has had enough, he knows san was being like this because of how hansoo and byulyi are acting around each other but comparing hansoo to seonghwa, insinuating that hansoo will only break byulyi's heart was uncalled for 

"seonghwa hyung, give me your hand." wooyoung orders and the older quickly follows "yours too choi san." san was confused but follows suit, wooyoung clasped both their hands together and stood up 

"you two, stay here with your hands like that and think about what you've done, come on sangie, let's go get something to eat with the kids." wooyoung helps yeosang up, he knows he's just as ticked off at what san said.  

there was obvious tension between seonghwa and san, on some days they're on good terms but seonghwa understood why san got mad, he just saw his precious niece getting her first kiss "san-ah." the younger, although hesitant turns to him 

"i understand why you're mad but please," seonghwa takes a deep breath "please just don't insinuate that my son is completely just a copy of me, visually, yes, we look alike but his personality is not like mine, he has a lot of growing up to do." 

he felt san's hand squeeze his "yeosang and i are raising him to be a better person, so please, if there is still any dislike towards me in that big heart of yours, leave hansoo out of it." san felt his chest grow heavy

guilty at what he had just done but wooyoung was right, seonghwa has grown out of that phase in his life and is trying to be a good father to hansoo, so maybe, it is the time to completely forgive him for everything 

"hyung," seonghwa hums, caressing the top of his hand with his thumb to comfort him and assure him that he will listen 

"i'm sorry for being immature, it's just that, i've seen how much pain yeosang has been in and i'm just scared of seeing it again." seonghwa inches closer to him, putting his arm around his shoulders as he listens 

"and i don't want to see byul grow up so fast, like, of all the boys she could have a crush on, it had to be your son." san says 

"we been knew he's gonna grow up handsome because shit, that's your kid, your genetics are hella strong." this made seonghwa chuckle, he knows that sometimes san would use humor to lighten up the situation 

"san, please forgive me for every single problem that i have caused, i am making it up to him as we go on but its not a good feeling if one of his friends still haven't forgiven me completely." he was taken back when san breaks their hands apart and he hugs seonghwa, wrapping his arms around his torso 

"okay hyung, i'm sorry about how i acted." he says, his cheek was squished against seonghwa's chest so he couldn't speak that clear 

"it's okay san, let's try to put this behind us." san nods and seonghwa ruffles his hair "i love yeosang so much, san, i know it took a while for me to realize and appreciate everything he's done for me but better late than never."   

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