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in regards to love: agape - ryuutarou sugiyama 

❝my life will love, the peace of benevolence, that this is the eternal happiness.❞

"thank you so much for taking care of hansoo," yeosang thanks hongjoong as he puts on his coat

"it's no problem, i'm quite surprised you trust us with him." the older chuckles, just as the sound of hansoo's laughter emanated throughout the room as well as mingi's 

"are you sure it's okay? i can try to call up seonghwa," the art teacher was having some second thoughts as he sees hansoo being thrown up in the air by mingi 

"yes yeosang, we know he's busy with his exhibit, now, go on, you wouldn't want your sister to keep waiting." yeosang scratches the back of his neck as he calls for mingi to bring hansoo 

"be good for your hyungs, super good, okay?" yeosang emphasizes before they wrapped their pinkies together to seal the promise 

"bedtime at 10:30 since it's friday," he tells his friends before kissing hansoo's cheek "i love you." 

yeosang peered over his shoulder as soon as he got out of their complex, he giggles to himself when he sees seonghwa's car just a few blocks away and he jogs toward it, immediately opening the passenger seat door and letting himself in 

"hi, oh, you look so pretty." seonghwa compliments before placing a searing kiss on yeosang's cheek

"you don't look so bad yourself." the younger says as he buckles himself up 

"so, did they buy your little white lie?" seonghwa smirks, he knows that yeosang often feels guilty when he lies and judging by the pout that formed on his lips, it was an answer 

"yeah, i told them i was seeing my sister." he feels seonghwa's warm hand wrap around his own, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it 

"we can tell them on or after the 8th date, let's just focus on our first date, okay baby love?" yeosang nods at seonghwa's words, it was their agreement and yeosang liked being a little bit mischievous on the inside.

it was just like any type of hang-out him and seonghwa usually did but this time, it was a date so he doesn't know what the older had planned as they've pretty much done everything together.

"so, how was your day?" yeosang asks his roommate while his eyes were on the illuminated road 

"i'm almost done with the exhibit, just touching up some photos but the others have been shipped to the gallery." seonghwa explains and he hears yeosang sigh 

what's the matter?" he asks, full of concern but yeosang turns to him with a frown

"you always tell me what your theme is but why aren't you telling me about this one?" he crosses his arms over his chest, similar to what hansoo does when he's upset 

"baby love, i thought i've done something bad!" seonghwa clutches his chest as he was scared as to what could have been bothering yeosang

"you will find out on the 8th date, okay? just be patient." seonghwa assures with soft eyes which made yeosang melt.

they conversed more about what had happened in their day before they arrived at the ice skating rink

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