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we'll be alright - radwimps 

❝"are you alright?" you notice that and ask me, "i'm fine," i reply with haste.❞

when yeosang got a call from seonghwa in the middle of lunch, he expected the older just checking up on him or perhaps telling him about their plans for the night, like who would make dinner or if they were going to get take-out but he wasn't expecting his friend frantically asking him to come home because he needed help.

and so, yeosang had to excuse himself from the company of mingi and taehyung "i can drive you back to school, i mean, it seems like an emergency." taehyung offers, it wasn't that far, perhaps a 5 minute walk but it'd be faster by car 

"yeah, we're finished eating anyway." spoke mingi, finishing his drink and yeosang both thanks them and apologizes "it's no problem yeosang, it seems like your hyung really needed you." 

after being able to get an emergency leave of absence slip from the human resources department, yeosang was driving home, all he can think of is what could've happened that caused seonghwa to sound so panicked 

"i swear to god if he burned the apartment," he mutters to himself through gritted teeth, he wanted to call him but seonghwa just told him to come home immediately 

"oh shit, maybe we got robbed!" yeosang yelled to himself far too loudly and that's when he panicked and decided to take the shortcut just so he can get home faster.

even though it took a toll on his short legs, yeosang still ran up the stairs and to their room, the door was unlocked and he just bust inside 

"hyung! what happened?!" he screams out for seonghwa but somehow the athmosphere in their apartment was calm, everything was in their place, there wasn't a presence of smoke nor the smell of it so he calmed down for a bit and he made his way to the living room where he sees seonghwa sitting next to the window, massaging his temples and just genuinely looking stressed, yeosang throws his keys into their designated bowl 

"hyung, is everything okay?" he asks as he approaches him and that's when he sees a woman and a child sitting on their couch 

"oh, i'm sorry, good afternoon, i'm kang yeosang." he greets her politely before turning to the cute child, who immediately smiled at him but yeosang can't help but notice that the child had some resemblance to seonghwa and that's when he connected the dots but of course he didn't want to assume 

"good afternoon, my name is jung yuri and i'm from social welfare," she introduces herself and yeosang asks her if she wanted anything to drink or eat but she declined 

"how can i help you?" yeosang asks the unnamed woman before sitting down across from her "what is your relationship with mr. park?" she asks, it wasn't anything rude or anything but it was just for information 

"oh, we're roommates, we went to college together." yeosang explains and she took note of it "do you happen to know kim minji?" yeosang tried his best to remember but he can't recall having classes with her nor hearing her name 

"i'm sorry but i don't think i've ever came in contact with her, is there something that happened?" yeosang asks, worried as to what could have happened "well, that's what i wanted to talk about but," she gestures to the little kid next to her and yeosang knew that it might be a heavy topic 

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