◀twenty four▶

800 67 12

winter bear - kim taehyung

❝then all the bad days, they're nothing to me; with you, winter bear.❞

ミ★ christmas eve

"appa, is byulyi coming too?" hansoo asks his appa while he was getting him dressed in his night light sweater, agreeing that all three of them should match again 

"i think so, why?" seonghwa quizzes, smirking at his blushing boy, he knew that hansoo picked out byulyi's name in their exchange gift yet he loved teasing his son 

"i have gift for her." he twiddles with his fingers as he lets his dad comb his hair "is that so?" hansoo nods, running over to his bed and crouching down under his bed with a decent sized box 

"papa helped me with it." hansoo proudly hugs the box before going back to seonghwa so he can finish his hair 

"do you happen to like her, bubs?" he teases and hansoo scrunches his nose "like how you like papa?" seonghwa nods, hansoo just shrugs 

"appa won't get mad if i like her?" seonghwa coos as he pinches his baby's chubby cheeks "you're still a baby but remember to be good to her, okay? be a gentleman like appa." hansoo nods, putting out his pinky to seal the promise.

their talk got cut short when yeosang knocks on hansoo's bedroom door 

"hey they're here, hannie, byulyi is here too." yeosang smiles cheekily, their little boy squeals as he wiggles out of seonghwa's lap and runs out of the bedroom, leaving yeosang and seonghwa to chuckle at how excited he is 

"it seems to me that our little baby has a crush," seonghwa starts, standing up from the cushioned seat to stalk towards yeosang 

"i think it's cute, he's so good to her and you can see how much he likes spending time with her." yeosang comments, taking seonghwa's hand in his before making their way downstairs.

"finally, what have you been doing up there?" yunho teases, wiggling his eyebrows as he insinuated something had been going on between them 

"was just getting hansoo ready, where is he?" seonghwa asks and wooyoung points outside and through their window, he sees hansoo with byulyi making a snow man, along with jongho and mingi who were throwing snowballs at each other 

"hey sannie, you won't mind if our son is gonna be your niece's boyfriend in the future, right?" seonghwa jokes, pouring champagne into glasses, getting them ready for dinner "are you sure he won't be a playboy?" san teases as he unboxes the cake 

"i'm no playboy, i've only loved one person." he winks at yeosang when they accidentally made eye contact 

"we'll see." san says with a smile, thinking about the times that byulyi had rambled about hansoo and how good he is to her and how she wanted him to be his friend forever which resulted to her mom always calling san because she wanted to see hansoo.

after a loud and messy dinner, it was time to exchange gifts, something that they've always done ever since they met but now but now it included jongho, hongjoong, hansoo and byulyi.

everyone had gathered around the living room, the gifts were stacked on the coffee table as they played rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to do the exchange first.

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