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good day - iu 

❝it's too beautiful, a beautiful day, make it a good day.❞

saturday is a blessing, yeosang gets to stay inside while hansoo gets to sleep until late but hansoo had woken up quite early after having a nightmare, thus it ended up with yeosang having to comfort the young boy in their living room, bouncing him on his hip as he patted his back as means to try to get him back to sleep, he can feel hansoo's little hiccups as well as his sniffles and it broke yeosang's heart 

"it's okay baby, hyung is here." he would whisper until the boy calms down "h-hyung a-and appa not leave hannie?" hansoo says in between tears when yeosang sat him down on the couch 

"no, we're not going to leave hannie." yeosang cups his chubby cheeks, wiping away the tears that had strewn down "how about you watch some cartoons, would you like that baby?" hansoo brings up the bunny plushie to his nose, sniffing it as it had yeosang's home-like scent 

"yes please," he sniffles and yeosang turns on the t.v "just stay here while hyung wakes up appa and make something to eat, okay?" hansoo nods and yeosang wraps the knitted quilt that was thrown over the couch around him just so he's warm as autumn air can be chilly.

yeosang made his way into seonghwa's room, he opens the curtains so some natural light can come in and he lifts the covers off seonghwa who stayed unfazed "good morning hyung, time to wake up, help me make breakfast." he crouches down and pokes seonghwa's cheeks, he keeps poking just to be annoying 

"hyun-" yeosang squeaks when seonghwa takes hold of his wrist and pulling him to the bed "oh hyung! not so rough, i still have a bruise on my jaw!" yeosang scolds but seonghwa just wraps his arms around him and tried to fall back asleep 

"hyung, i have to make food for hansoo." yeosang tries to wiggle out of his grip and eventually he did, scrambling up on his own two feet 

"i'll be out in a second," seonghwa's voice was still husky and a lot more deeper than usual "5 minutes, if you're not out, i'll drag you out." yeosang threatens, turning his back on seonghwa 

"hey sang?" seonghwa calls for him "yes hy-" a dark chuckle filled the room and it took yeosang a couple of seconds to realize that seonghwa had thrown his pillow on him "you're such a child." 

it ended up with yeosang making breakfast on his own, he was good at multi-tasking so from time to time he would check up on hansoo 

"what milk would you like today baby?" yeosang asks when he puts hansoo on the dining table chair "strawberry please," yeosang smiles, yeah, that's definitely seonghwa's child.

"well, good morning to you." yeosang rests his chin on his hand as seonghwa finally comes out of his room 

"appa! morning!" hansoo greets him and seonghwa smiles, bending down to give his forehead a kiss "were you good for hyung?" he asks him before taking a seat, hansoo nods while yeosang takes his empty plate away 

"hansoo is a good boy, unlike his dad." yeosang teases seonghwa, pouring him a glass of strawberry milk as well 

"so, plans today?" he asks "there's a shoot today, an outdoors one as well." yeosang knew how seonghwa detested outside shoots, considering that they will be against the elements "where?" 

"the iris garden." yeosang gasps "oh! hyung, can we come? i'm sure hansoo would enjoy the fresh air!" yeosang enthused, seonghwa turns to him "hansoo or you?" this earns a light slap to his arm 

"i'm sure hansoo would like to see his yunho hyung again, won't you baby?" he pokes at hansoo's tummy which made him giggle "yes please, appa can we go?" he looks at seonghwa with puppy dog eyes and yeosang did the same, well, who was seonghwa to say no?


when they arrived at the location, most of seonghwa's team members were already setting up, their models were getting their make-up done and jungkook was giving them instructions about the concept 

"hi guys, i would've come earlier but as you can see, i have some baggage with me." he gestures to yeosang and hansoo who were leaning over the wooden bridge because hansoo wanted to see if there were any fishes

"that's okay, san is here as well, they can keep each other company." wooyoung tells seonghwa as he set up the lights "seonghwa," he turns to their leader and approaches him "how are you holding up?" jungkook asks, seonghwa hums as he prepares his camera 

"honestly, still in shock but i'm taking baby steps." he breathes out, eyes lingering on hansoo as he spoke 

"at least you have someone to help you, it's good that you're bringing him with you, it'll give you time to bond." seonghwa nods, he's thankful for the fact that yeosang understood that he isn't ready and that yeosang was taking the reigns in taking care of hansoo.

while seonghwa was busy with his shoot, yeosang and san took hansoo to the flower-filled field, each of them had hansoo's hand in theirs as they walked down the path 

"heard he ran out on you for three days," san sparks the conversation, yeosang frowned as he looked down at the ground "yeah, i had to drag him out of yunho's apartment." he tells him about that eventful day, they went to the hospital after that and thank god, yeosang's jaw wasn't broken nor dislocated.

"i get it, it must have been quite an adjustment for both of you," san lets go of hansoo's hand when the child runs towards the bright lavenders, in awe at how pretty they were, the pair decided to sit down on one of the benches after telling hansoo to stay close while he played at the edge of the lavender fields.

"well, it's not really something new to you but for seonghwa hyung," san trails off as he twirled a stalk of lavender in his hand that hansoo had picked for him after he found out that purple is san's favorite color 

"maybe this can be a wake up call for hyung," the teacher says, eyes following hansoo, making sure he won't stray away "maybe, he'll start to tone it down with going to clubs, tone down the drinking," 

yeosang shivered at the memory of all the times seonghwa had puked on him, all the times that he had to clean him up, change him into his pajamas, tuck him into bed 

"hopefully, i mean, not completely give up having fun but just keep it in check, since he couldn't just leave all the responsibility to you." yeosang nodded at the youngers statement. 

san has seen it all, he's seen how much yeosang had taken care of seonghwa throughout college and post-college, he's the only one who knows, apart from mingi, that most of yeosang's relationships don't work out because he always prioritized seonghwa.

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