◀twenty five▶

757 60 33

get cool - stray kids

❝i'm so lucky from morning i feel good today, a day without even little worries.❞

it was as if the holidays went by in a flash, hansoo had school again and yeosang had to go back to his job, it was fun while it lasted but he missed the little kids too, he missed teaching them. 

so much has happened during their holiday break, they've settled in their new home, seonghwa was beginning to get bookings for more shoots, hansoo was filled with euphoria upon finding out that byulyi's mom had decided to enroll her to his school in the next school year, wooyoung and san got engaged, everything had just been falling into the right places.

they started their day as it was, seonghwa made breakfast while yeosang got hansoo ready for the day and they were off to work and school, seonghwa kisses them goodbye and sees them off, all was going well for the most part.

"mr. kang, mind if i borrow you for a bit?" yeosang wondered why the principal of the school was at his classroom but nonetheless he is invited to her office while taehyung watched the children for him. 

he thought that maybe he will be offered to teach in the different grade as they were a little low on teachers but he knew that wasn't the case when he sees hansoo, junhyuk and another student whom he know as seungmin.

he was a grade higher than hansoo so he wondered why they were in the principal's office, along with hansoo's teacher, the disciplinary officer, the guidance counselor and the parents 

"papa, he mean to hyuki." hansoo points out, all three of them were covered in paint and yeosang sighed at how long it'd take to get the paint off hansoo's clothes

"i'm sorry to disrupt your class mr. kang but a situation happened, i've contacted mr. park and he is coming but as you can see," she points at the kids 

"ms. yoo, could you let us know what happened?" yeosang turns to the other art teacher who was also dirtied up 

"well, i was having class as usual and seungmin was told to gather something from the room and i think his sweater got caught in junhyuk's easel which caused quite a ruckus but i think hansoo got the wrong idea and he got mad at seungmin, throwing his paint-filled palette at him." she explains and yeosang sighs, turning to hansoo and the little boy knew he was going to get punished again before turning to who he assumes is seungmin's dad 

"i am so very sorry this happened, i promise that his actions will go unpuni-" the man cuts him off by shaking his head 

"as ms. yoo here explained, it was an accident and i believe that your boy was just looking out for his friend." yeosang feels a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as the boy's father was easy going 

"there's really no need for any action taken," junhyuk's mom says "seungmin, apologize to them, it's the least you can do." his dad says, giving him a light push towards junhyuk and hansoo 

"hansoo, apologize as well, you threw the paint." yeosang says with a firm tone and hansoo came face to face with seungmin 

"i'm sorry for throwing paint at you," he avoided the older's eyes as he apologizes

"i'm sorry for ruining your work." junhyuk nods at seungmin's words before chaeyoung took them all out to get themselves clean, leaving the parents to talk.

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