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serenade for two (cover) - elisabeth 

❝i can be as brave as a knight for you, if you want, i can be like a sharpened knife.❞

"hey hwa," yeosang pokes his head inside seonghwa's bedroom, they had just gotten home from work but yeosang was actually invited by taehyung to watch a film since there were some re-runs being shown at their cinema 

"yes?" seonghwa tore his attention away from his computer "well, i was wondering if it's okay if i take hansoo with me," yeosang starts as he comes inside 

"where to?" seonghwa asks, spinning his seat so he can see yeosang "just to watch a movie, taehyung invited me." he replies and the older hums 

"are you sure? he might ruin your date." yeosang laughs at this

"it's okay hwa, i like bringing hansoo with us," seonghwa nods, telling them to be careful and have a good time.

and that is how yeosang and taehyung ended up buying tickets for an animated movie, tangled to be precise as it was hansoo's pick 

"tae, can you watch over hansoo, i have to use the bathroom." taehyung nods and yeosang sits hansoo down next to taehyung on one of the benches just outside the theater 

"so, are you excited little one?" taehyung asks the young boy who was starting to eat the popcorn and hansoo shakes his head, so taehyung lifts him up, sitting him on his lap 

"is there something wrong little one?" taehyung grew concerned at the shift of his mood

hansoo promised his dad and hyung that he will be a good boy so he can't act out but his hyung wasn't in the picture as of the moment 

"cause tae tae hyung likes yeosangie hyung." taehyung was taken aback at his answer

"tae tae hyung will take sangie hyung from me."

taehyung can see how sad his tone was but what he didn't know that the 5 year old was already mastering the art of duality 

"i won't take him from you hannie, but tae tae hyung likes yeosangie too." at that hansoo takes a handful of popcorn and throws it at taehyung's face, surprising the art teacher 

"no kissing hyung, no holding hyung's hand, no touchy!" he points out everything, loud and clear before his demeanor changes and he wiggles out of taehyung's hold

"hyungie! can we go inside now?" he says excitedly 

"yes baby, let me go get your tae tae hyung," yeosang approaches taehyung who's jaw was on the floor at what he had just witnessed 

"you okay?" yeosang takes his hand, he peeks at hansoo who was behind yeosang and he had a death glare

"i- yes, yes, let's go in." taehyung wraps his arm around yeosang's waist despite the little boy's rules.

once inside, yeosang was about to sit next to taehyung when hansoo beat him to it

"want to be middle, like when we cuddle." he tells yeosang, he just smiles and pats hansoo's head before mouth an apology to taehyung.

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