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blueming - iu

❝i feel bloom, i feel bloom, i'm sending you one more flower.❞

that morning yeosang woke up to hansoo using his tummy as a pillow, he looks up at his clock and it was almost 6 a.m

"hansoo, time to wake up, we're going to school today." the little boy whines a bit, yeosang sighs and carries the boy, he takes him to their bathroom, making him sit on the toilet as yeosang takes off his pajamas so he can give him a bath 

"seonghwa hyung! wake up please! i'm giving hansoo a bath!" he hollers, sitting on the edge of the tub to test the water's warmth "i'm still sleepy hyungie." hansoo rubs his eyes with both hands, sturggling to keep his head up 

"i know little one but hyungie has to take you to school." yeosang apologizes to him before dipping him into the water

"seonghwa hyung!" he calls out again but he doesn't get a response "it's okay yeosang, you can do this." he tells himself as he cleans up hansoo.

he bundles him up in towels so he wouldn't get cold and he had dried his hair fairly well with the towel and he goes through the hansoo's suitcase, taking out the first pair of pants he saw as well as a bright yellow sweater 

"listen, baby, you can take a little nap while hyung goes shower and makes breakfast." hansoo nods and yeosang makes him lie down on the bed, giving him the stuffie that he liked and yeosang rushed to the bathroom, he had to manage his time since he wasn't only going to be cooking for himself but hansoo and seonghwa as well.

when he gets back to his room, he finds that hansoo was still sleeping which he was thankful for, he just wears a simple pink dress shirt and threw on a baby blue sweater over it, since it was autumn, the air was a tad chilly

he didn't bother styling his hair anymore so he decided to just let it air dry, when he goes out, seonghwa was nowhere in sight so he runs to the older's room, he knocked before entering 

"hyung, it's morning, please g-" he was baffled when he turns on the light and seonghwa wasn't even there, he scoffs

"unbelievable." he grumbles, slamming the door close and get got back to the kitchen to make a simple breakfast for himself and hansoo, as well as pack lunches.

yeosang had a mini crisis when he realized that he didn't have a carseat for hansoo so he carefully instructs hansoo to behave in the backseat and to not touch the seatbelts.

"mingi!" yeosang yells for his friend as soon as they got out of the car, he was glad to see him after a stressful morning

"hey sangie- oh, who is this?" mingi crouches down to hansoo's level and the little kid hides behind yeosang's legs 

"little one, don't worry, this is just your mingi hyung, no need to be scared, okay?" yeosang says softly and mingi gives him a bright smile

"strawberry hyungie?" he reaches out to touch mingi's flaming red hair 

"yeah, strawberry hyungie." yeosang agrees and mingi stands back up

"mingi, can you take my stuff to the faculty, i promise i will explain everything to you later." 

mingi can see how frantic yeosang was and so he agrees, it made yeosang let out a breath of relief as he lifts up hansoo

star 1117 ▶️ seongsang #WATTYS2020Where stories live. Discover now