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dear my friend - wetter

❝we'll shine someday like a star of the night.❞

yeosang was roaming around the classroom, the kids were painting on canvases and he liked looking at the variety of paintings that they were doing, he can see that they thoroughly enjoyed the activity, most likely because yeosang promised them m&m cookies at the end of the class.

he crouches over to rayeon who, in yeosang's eyes was quite gifted and a natural in terms of doing her paintings and drawings 

"that looks wonderful yeon." he praises before patting her head so that she can carry on painting and he goes over to minho and changbin who were annoying each other by sneakily painting on each other's arms.

he chuckles as he sneaks up behind them, he can hear their whispered bickers and yeosang clears his throat which causes them to flinch "what are you two doing?" he asks, minho pouts and points at changbin 

"hyung, he's annoying me." changbin shakes his head "nuh uh hyung! he was taking my paint!" defends the accused boy, yeosang just sighs "you're both dirty, your parents wouldn't like that, right?" minho shakes his head 

"okay, how about you and changbin here wash your hands before the paint dries." minho rolls his eyes at changbin and yeosang warns him, it wasn't anything threatening but he shows a firm look "say sorry to each other or you'll be on cleaning up duty until you make up." changbin hops off his seat and offered his hand for minho to hold 

"go on, you can finish your works after." minho takes changbin's hand and they exit the room but they were blocked by a figure "sangie hyung, someone here." minho calls out to his teacher before they excused themselves.

yeosang tore his attention away from the other students and he sees felix poking his head in "hi there," he smiles brightly, yeosang does the same and invites him inside 

"so, these are for you." yeosang was taken aback by the bouquet of yellow roses that felix brings up "oh, these are quite pretty." he takes them, smelling one of the buds and delicately tracing the petals with his fingers 

"didn't yellow roses use to mean jealousy," yeosang teases as he puts it down on the desk while he sees his students turn their heads to them 

"children, back to your work or else no cookies." he playfully warns them and he hears them gasp before turning back to their canvases "are you sure you still want me back?" he further teases the already blushing blonde 

"but the shop owner said it meant friendship!" felix covers his face with his hands and yeosang takes him outside of the room 

"i was joking felix, i know it means friendship." he says but felix was still quite embarrassed about the double meaning of the roses 

"but enough of that, what brings you here?" he leans on the wall, stuffing his hands inside his pockets 

"hm, just wanted to see if you wanna have dinner with me and none of that convenient store shit we used to do when i was a broke college student." 

they both laugh at the memory, their usual place to go on dates were always at the han river because there was a convenient store there, they'd always split their money to buy instant ramen, cheese sticks, hotdogs, and sodas.

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