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sweet night - taehyung 

❝one day i'd wake up feeling more but i had already reached the shore.❞

a week had already passed ever since that embarrassing date yeosang had with taehyung but the older assured him that it was okay, even cute, the way that hansoo was protective over yeosang, he'd grown attached to him in the short amount of time. 

of course, yeosang had to tell seonghwa about it and seonghwa jokingly told hansoo that he is so proud of him, making yeosang pout until seonghwa enticed him with ice cream and a makoto shinkai film.

it was the weekend yet again and seonghwa had plans to go out with his team, and by team, meaning it was only him, yunho, and wooyoung because jongho can't stand drinking in bars, preferring to drink in the comfort of his and yunho's place.

meanwhile san was invited but he would much rather spend his night with his sweet byeol much to wooyoung's dismay because byeol was stealing all of san's attention from him.

it was particularly rainy the whole day and even at night and he was worried about yeosang "are you sure you're going to be okay?" he asks for the 5th time that day, yeosang assured him that him and hansoo will be okay, he had gotten a big book of fairy tale collections for hansoo which occupied him almost the whole day so there wasn't any problem 

"just don't drink too much, please? but please let me know if you decide to sleep over at their place." seonghwa nods, giving yeosang a tight hug before going over to hansoo on the floor and picking him up 

"be a good boy, okay? appa will be home before you know it." he gives his nose a kiss and hansoo does the same 

"i'll be good boy, love you." hansoo promises, seonghwa always felt bad whenever he can't respond to his son's "i love you's" but yeosang told him that it's okay and that he's not used to it yet and he assures him that in his little actions, he's showing hansoo that he loves him.

and with that seonghwa was off, he couldn't wait to have a drink again, since the last one he had was when he met hansoo.

"there he is, fucking finally!" seonghwa barely sat down when wooyoung hands him a shot glass full of orange-colored liquid, the same liquid that was in the table-top dispenser in their table 

"not so much, okay? yeosang won't be able to pick me up." he says before taking the shot without second thoughts, he felt his throat burn and he coughs a bit, it was stronger than the usual type of alcohol he drank, his face scrunches as he puts the glass on the table 

"wooyoung, what the fuck is in that?" he asks the younger photographer while he was filling up the glass again and passing it towards yunho 

"well, there's orange and pineapple juice," he starts off while seonghwa took off his jacket because that single shot was already heating up his body 

"i barely tasted it!" yunho screams at wooyoung when he took the shot, he also had the same reaction as seonghwa 

"along with vodka, tequila, brandy, and rum." wooyoung says proudly as he takes his shot "i'm dipping when it gets halfway, i can't let yeosang get worried." wooyoung whistles as he handed it to seonghwa 

"is he your husband now or something?" yunho teases as he munched on the fries they had ordered "no but you know, he's taking care of hansoo already." seonghwa mumbles, leaning back into the seat as he starts to feel himself grow hotter 

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