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moon - bts 

❝i will stay by your side, i will be your light, all for you.

"those are coming along so well hwa," seonghwa felt a hand on his shoulder and he looks up from his computer to see his jungkook hyung 

"photos don't do him justice, you know that." jungkook chuckles before taking a seat at the couch seonghwa has in his studio 

"i think you did well in picking out your concept, it's showing a different side of you." the elder praises as he leans back on to the couch 

"a lot has changed but it's a good change." seonghwa agrees as he closes his editing application and spins his chair around "does he know about it?" he shakes his head with a smile "oh so it's a surprise for him?" jungkook smirks 

"yunho and wooyoung were quite informative about your feelings towards him," seonghwa's eyes widen at what his friends could have told him 

"and this exhibit just further proves it." seonghwa looks around at some of the already framed photos that he safely kept in the box, ready to be hung up, it is different from his previous works but this is something he's quite proud of.

"you wanna share something, hyung will listen." jungkook encourages, the younger buries his face in his hands as he lets out an exasperated sigh 

"i don't know how my feelings are towards him, they're not negative, it's just that i'm scared," seonghwa pauses, twirling one of the beads in his friendship bracelet as he thinks about yeosang 

"we already have a good relationship, platonically, but i am scared that it might change if it progressed into something romantically, i'm scared that our familiarity with each other will be affected." jungkook notices the drop in his voice was he talked about it and he pats the spot next to him which seonghwa immediately took

it has been a while since he's had someone listen to him about it, yunho and wooyoung were okay but it just leads to them teasing him about it, even blackmailing him for that drunken confession they managed to purge out of him 

"come on, tell hyung about it, no judgement here." jungkook pats his shoulders to try to calm him down 

"i guess you could say that we're both still confused about it, i wouldn't mind pursuing a relationship though, he's the only person who knows me, inside and out, the only person i've let into my life like this." 

when they first met, seonghwa didn't think he would click with yeosang, they had a one year age gap so yeosang was a freshman while seonghwa was a sophomore when they met.

he can't help but notice that yeosang was quiet and reserved but the first time he had drunkenly called yeosang

he thought the younger would leave him hanging as they hadn't talked much at that time but yeosang picked him up from his classmate's dorm and even treated him for breakfast that morning, that's where their friendship started.

slowly but surely yeosang started to show his true self to seonghwa, confessing that he had kept to himself for the first few weeks as he didn't want to overwhelm him but seonghwa immediately fell in love with his personality, he would never forget the way yeosang's smile lit up their room that night.

star 1117 ▶️ seongsang #WATTYS2020Where stories live. Discover now