◀twenty seven▶

781 61 7

galaxy - bolbbalgan4 

❝in your arms, the stars spill and make the milky way, i can fly anywhere.❞

ミ★ june, summer break

"you excited hannie?" yeosang asks as they went through the busy airport "yes papa!" hansoo says filled with delight, still tightly holding on to yeosang's hand, he wouldn't want to get lost in a foreign country.

"where even is your other dad?" yeosang spins around as they finally got outside, he secures their luggage before sitting down on the waiting area and whipping out his phone to call him, he had an inkling that he might be at the money changer station but he had to let him know where they were waiting.

it was hansoo's first time on a plane, so the parents made sure he got the window seat because they know that hansoo would most likely be distracted by the beautiful clouds as well as the view of the ocean from above. 

and they were right, hansoo wasn't fussy throughout the ride, usually when he's excited he gets restless, much like yeosang, but he was too enamored by the beautiful scenery to do so.

what yeosang didn't know was that seonghwa was secretly buying something.

seonghwa managed to slip out of his boyfriend's site when he saw a jewelry retail shop, it was the perfect time as coincidentally hansoo and yeosang shared birthdays, it made seonghwa chuckle at the thought as both of them always bring with them warm and calming auras, much like those summer nights.

he was intently looking at the more simple rings, knowing how yeosang likes the minimalistic type of jewelry 

"see anything you like?" the employee brings him out of his thoughts, seonghwa immediately explained that he didn't need anything too fancy, just a simple ring. 

as he was paying, his phone had started to ring and he immediately knew it would be yeosang, he smiles to himself before answering 

"baby love, something wrong?" he asks nonchalantly, thanking the cashier after she had given him the bag

"where are you?" was all yeosang can ask while seonghwa stuffed his purchase inside his carry-on 

"i'm just at the bathroom, where are you and hannie?" he asks, pushing through the people rushing in and out of the place 

"we're waiting for you! at the waiting area, close to starbucks." seonghwa immediately sees where yeosang meant and he just hangs up. 

his stomach filled with butterflies as he thought about when he can spontaneously propose to him, where could he do it? disneyland? just at their hotel room? over dinner?

as soon as they got to their hotel room, yeosang just drops all the bags and plopped on the bed, hansoo follows, curling himself up next to yeosang 

"nap time?" seonghwa asks them before sitting on the second bed that was unoccupied, both of them nod 

"okay, nap time for my babies so you have tons of energy for tonight." seonghwa concludes and the pair made their way under the covers, so seonghwa took it upon himself to close the curtains so the sunlight wouldn't disrupt their sleep 

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