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❝my heart is mayhem but i love it.❞

"have a good day, both of you and i'll see you later." seonghwa unbuckles hansoo from his carseat while yeosang gathered their belongings 

"hey yeo," the teacher hums as he swings hansoo's backpack over his shoulder "dinner's on me later." yeosang nodded "any ocassion?" he asks, seonghwa gives hansoo a kiss on the crown of his head and lets him waddle towards yeosang 

"hansoo's papers came through," yeosang can sense that there was something seonghwa was holding back so he approaches him "that's good news, isn't it?" he pinches his cheek while chuckling 

"hansoo-ah!" the pair turn their heads and yeosang sees junhyuk "oh, good morning yeosang hyung," the kid greets him 

"hey junhyuk," he waves at him and he approaches hansoo "go on baby, i'll see you later, okay?" hansoo puckered up his lips making yeosang coo, so he bends down and lets him kiss his cheek 

"appa too." he says after giving yeosang a big smooch "okay, be a good boy today." seonghwa tells him before letting him kiss his cheek, repeating what he did to yeosang 

"bye bye hyung, bye appa!" and with that he runs off with junhyuk "bye baby! hyung loves you so much!" yeosang yells out like the proud sort-of parent that he is.

he turns his attention back to seonghwa who was leaning against the car "so, what did you want to tell me?" he asks seonghwa, the older stuffs his hands inside the pockets of his coat 

"i just wanted to thank you, for being patient with me and for taking care of hansoo even though its not really your responsibility, even agreeing to being his other guardian." yeosang can see the faint blush covering seonghwa's cheeks, he wasn't sure if its because seonghwa is being sincere or if its from the cold but he's pretty sure its because his hyung is flustered about the whole ordeal

"don't worry about it hyung!" he enthused, cupping his cheeks and they warmed his hands a bit "i just noticed how cute you are when you blush, hyung." yeosang turns his head from side to side 

"am not." yeosang squeezed his cheeks together, causing seonghwa's lips to form a pout "sangie, i'm scared, i don't know what its like to be a parent." seonghwa confesses once he managed to pry off yeosang's hands 

"oh, well, no one really knows what its like to be a parent for the first time, we just go with the flow and maybe figure things out." he shrugs and unexpectedly, seonghwa pulls him into a hug 

"thank you, i know i'm such a handful but i promise i will meet you halfway with taking care of hansoo." 

yeosang felt his spine shiver when he feels seonghwa's hot breath against his neck but he melted into the older's hug, knowing how much he needed it "i'll always be here for you hyung, always." 

as lunch rolled around, mingi was already waiting for yeosang outside his classroom door, inviting him to eat with him at their faculty room along with hongjoong and taehyung, of course, there were endless teasing between the two on their way to the 2nd floor but it stopped when they were finally within hongjoong and taehyung's presence.

"yeo, how's the whole parenting going?" hongjoong asked, it was the first time since the start of the school year that he had managed to talk to yeosang, since the art teacher was busy with his classes, taking care of hansoo, and getting called by seonghwa to get some help with his papers 

"in my perspective, everything is sort of okay but i don't know about seonghwa," he says before eating a spoonful of rice "i know he's still a bit freaked out, believe me, i am too." yeosang expressed and taehyung puts his hand on top of yeosang's, it made the younger's heart skip a bit but he had to keep it cool 

"it's going to be okay yeosang, it's all been a big shift on your lives but you'll pull through, you're already a great teacher and i bet you're also being a good parent to him." yeosang felt butterflies in his stomach, there's just something calming about taehyung and the way he spoke was so smooth that yeosang swore he can listen to him for hours, hence why he's had a crush on him since he was his assistant for his internship.

as their lunch time ends, yeosang was ready to go back downstairs but taehyung catches up to him "yeo, do you wanna have some coffee with me?" yeosang wanted to slam himself into the lockers, he was caught off guard and he feels like if he spoke, he would stutter 

"c-coffee?" he covers his mouth again, cursing himself on the inside "yeah, from the looks of it, you've been so stressed these past few weeks." taehyung pushes a lock of yeosang's hair away from his face 

"so, what do you say? coffee, this weekend and we can go to my studio, pluck for some inspiration, you can even take hansoo if you'd like." yeosang found himself nodding rapidly 

"yes, yes, i would love that taehyung-ssi." taehyung laughs lightly at how cute yeosang looked 

"yeo, please, just call me taehyung or hyung, we've known each other for so long." when they hear the foot steps of students coming up the stairs, taehyung let him go, telling him to have a nice day and even though he was calm on the outside, yeosang was screaming on the inside.


as the day ended, yeosang was waiting for hansoo's club activities to end so he sat benches in front of the school, scrolling through his phone as well as texting seonghwa that he should start making his way to the school. 

it wasn't long when mingi came out of the building, since it was hongjoong's turn to assist with the music club's meeting he can go out early.

"mingi! i have something to tell you!" yeosang bounced off his seat as he held both of mingi's hands "woah there, the only short person i'd date is hongjoong hyung." mingi tells him, yeosang drops his hands at the realization that the music teacher might read it the wrong way 

"no! i was not going to confess to you." mingi sighs in relief "yeosang, you're a handsome boy but my heart only belongs to hongjoong." yeosang took no offense to this, he knows he's handsome 

"but does hongjoong know that?" he teases and mingi pouts "when i have the courage, i will ask him out." mingi announces, yeosang scoffed "good luck, you've been pining for years, just do it already." mingi gasps and sits down at the bench 

"speak for yourself, you've like taehyung for years too." yeosang laughs, waving his hand "and what if i tell you that we're going out for coffee this weekend?" the redhead's eyes went wide 

"you're lying!" yeosang smiles cockily "i have never lied in my life, mingi pingi." he flips his non-existent long hair as he sat prettily on the bench "look at you finally getting some." mingi high-fives him and yeosang proudly smiles 

"but, if it progressed to something more, how are you going to tell him that your number one priority is seonghwa, well, seonghwa and hansoo now." yeosang's smile faltered, he's never thought of that 

"you should put yourself out there yeo, you've been single for far too long, just this once, try to pursue something, you can be there for hansoo without letting the thought of seonghwa cross your mind." the music teacher says boldly 

"i can try but-" mingi puts his finger on yeosang's lips "no buts, eventually he will find someone and he'll have a family of his own, he won't be dependent on you anymore." 

although it hurt, mingi is right, he's just seonghwa's friend, plus, he's not even seonghwa's type, so the thought of them getting together was far too impossible "i want to see you happy yeo, so, if ever taehyung asks you to be his boyfriend, no more second thoughts, say yes." 

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