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↑ my favorite bts song, it makes me flustered and want to be in a relationship again lol ↑

blanket kick - bts 

❝my eyes follow your eyes, nose, lips but please don't misunderstand, i can't hold it in when i see you.❞

ミ★ 1 Month Later

seonghwa was on his way to pick up hansoo and yeosang, it had become somewhat of an arrangement, on monday to wednesday, he takes them to school and back home, meanwhile on thursday and friday, yeosang would drive by himself along with hansoo.

when gets to the school, he pauses for a bit when he sees yeosang and taehyung, it was the first time he's seen them together in real life, as he only sees taehyung through yeosang's posts when they go on dates. 

they were just sitting on the bench and seonghwa assumes that hansoo was still in class, he slows down his engine as he finds a parking spot where he can easily spy on them. 

there was just something about how taehyung kept giving yeosang soft touches, sneakily holding his hand and pulling him closer, it made him wonder if that may be the case as to why he's been a bit uptight with the skinship towards him, maybe yeosang is already in a relationship with taehyung and just hasn't told him yet.

he's seen how head over heels yeosang was for taehyung and he's seen the amount of times yeosang had cried over failed dates and he just wanted to make sure that taehyung isn't going to hurt him, he doesn't know as to why people would have the audacity to hurt yeosang, when he's just an angel in a human's body.

he was so focused on the pair that he doesn't even notice mingi, hongjoong and hansoo just staring at the car, face painted with confusion as to what he is doing "what's appa doing?" hansoo asks hongjoong, or blueberry hyung as he calls him due to his dark blue hair 

"why don't we go surprise him soo-ah?" mingi proposes, hansoo was quick to nod even though hongjoong tried to stop them, the pair crouched down at the passenger side of seonghwa's car 

"okay, hansoo, 1,2, 3!" mingi counts down and he lifts up the boy and hansoo screams his lungs out as he bangs on the window, their action caused seonghwa to accidentally honk his horn as well as jump in his seat, clutching his chest as his heart pounded like crazy.

 he looks to his right and he sees mingi and hansoo laughing their heads off and he gets out of the car, hongjoong approaches him, apologizing for his colleagues answer but at the same time he was holding in his laughter 

"appa!" hansoo cruns toward him and seonghwa lifts him up, hugging him tightly "did you miss me little one?" he asks and the boy nods, seonghwa cooes before giving his nose a kiss 

"how was your day?" he asks as he opens the backseat of the car and straps hansoo on his car seat 

"it's good appa! i made drawing for you and hyung!" he boasts proudly and seonghwa chuckles "i'll go get your hyung and then we can go home." he opens the window before he made his way to yeosang but the teachers were quick to stop him 

"is there a problem?" seonghwa asks when mingi blocks his path 

"oh, yeosang told us to tell you that you can head home along with hansoo." hongjoong scratches the back of his head, he was a bit intimidated by seonghwa's strong features and not to mention they don't really know each other well.

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