◀twenty three▶

833 61 30

home - bts 

❝if only i have you, it'll be my home, you know i want that.❞

after they've successfully unpacked all of their belongings, which took more than a week due their jobs as well as taking care of hansoo but everything was okay, everything was in their respectful place, however it took yeosang some time to adjust as the place was bigger and he still had some trouble sleeping.

it was one of those mornings where he didn't sleep much, he already felt the headache coming as he poured himself a glass of chocolate milk, the sun hasn't risen yet but the skies were a beautiful grayish blue color, he stands up from the counter stool, making his way outside, grabbing a knitted blanket from the couch on his way out.

he shivers when the cold winter air hits him but he just wraps the material tighter to his body as he settles himself on the wooden lawn chair that they've purchased after moving 

"good morning yeosang," he says to himself before taking a sip of the sweet liquid, he's always had a fascination with watching how the sun rises.

he liked that sometimes you can blink and the sky would be a different hue. 

the streetlights had started to turn off, while the lights in the neighbouring houses were turning on, dogs were barking, some people were going for their runs, the cold breeze persisted and he chuckles that his drink had gotten colder but nonetheless he drinks it.

the sun had fully come out from its slumber, he sees the children coming out of their houses and he figures that they might be the ones that have weekend school activities, judging from what they were wearing and somehow he thought about hansoo.

what would he be like when he grows up, who would he take after? would he be more like yeosang or would he be more like seonghwa? he shakes his head as he smiles warmly, he knows that will love hansoo no matter what.

"hey baby love," yeosang looked up to see seonghwa, face puffy having just woken up "good morning." he smiles at him "what are you doing up so early?" seonghwa didn't give him time to answer before scooping him up in his arms, carrying the younger like a bride 

"it's cold out here, i don't want you getting sick." seonghwa gives the tip of his nose a kiss as they go back inside the house, he settles down on the couch with the younger still in his lap 

"i couldn't sleep well," yeosang answers, nuzzling his head on seonghwa's neck as they lie down on the couch 

"i know baby," he just hums, relaxing when he feels seonghwa's hand run up and down his back "you were like this when we moved to our apartment." he reminds, the hair on the back of his neck standing up when he feels yeosang's hot breath blow on his neck 

"how about you get some much needed sleep, i'll be running some errands and prepare lunch," yeosang shakes his head, remembering that some of their friends will be coming over for lunch to see their new home 

"just sleep baby love, leave everything to me." seonghwa maneuvered his body to get up with yeosang still in his hold 

"'kay daddy." yeosang smirks and he felt seonghwa tense up, his grip tightening 

"don't call me that baby love," seonghwa warns, yeosang lifts his head so he'd look at seonghwa "why not daddy?" he further teases as they made their way upstairs

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