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↑ soft visuals for yeosang and taehyung uwu ↑

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↑ soft visuals for yeosang and taehyung uwu ↑

almost (sweet music) - hozier 

❝be still my foolish heart, don't ruin this on me.❞

yeosang was pacing back and forth around his room, he was in his bathrobe as he thinks about what to wear, hansoo was all dressed up, coloring away on yeosang's bed 

"he's going to be here any minute and i'm still not dressed." yeosang says to himself as he dug through his closet again, he couldn't decide whether he should wear a more lax outfit or should he step it up and wear something casual, so he takes out a baby blue button up and a lavender sweater, turning to hansoo 

"baby, what looks better?" he asks the 5 year old who was just minding his own business, but at this point he was desperate and kids don't lie 

"blue! like cotton candy hyungie." yeosang thanks him before chuckling at the nickname hansoo had given to his friends, he noticed that he associated them with food and it was undeniably adorable.

once he was done, he had some time to spare so he decided to put some blush on his cheeks because he always liked how cute it made him look "why are you getting all dolled up?" yeosang drops his blush at the sound of seonghwa's voice 

"i-i'm not," seonghwa chuckles, taking a seat next to hansoo on the bed "hannie, why is your hyung making himself pretty?" seonghwa asks his son who climbs on to his lap "where are you two going by the way?" seonghwa asks, eyes still locked on to yeosang's reflection 

"we're just going to the park," yeosang lies, he didn't particularly tell his roommate that he is going on a date because of the endless teasing that will happen "okay, since i can sense that you are lying," seonghwa looks down at hansoo 

"hannie, where are you and yeosangie going?' yeosang felt his heart rate spike, he had been rambling to hansoo about being excited to go on a date with taehyung because he didn't have anyone to talk to the night before 

"hyungie and tae tae hyung are going out." he tells seonghwa without any mercy "oh, is that so?" he raises a brow and yeosang stood up from his vanity, taking hansoo in his arms "that's enough interrogating the child, we should get going!" he announces but seonghwa was quick to block the door 

"i didn't know you were starting to date again," seonghwa comments, yeosang can only purse his lips into a thin line as he ducks over seonghwa's arms "i wouldn't call it a date." he mumbles shyly "yeo, it's okay, just wished you would've told me, i could've taken care of hansoo for the day." the older says but yeosang shook his head 

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